My Free Creativity Hypnosis MP3 is a short 10 minute version of a 30 minute session I have produced for my premium site HypnoBusters.com. You can buy the full session by clicking here – HypnoBusters – Improve Your Creativity.
This Free Creativity Hypnosis MP3 aims to enhance your powers of creativity. This is useful for writers, musicians, painters, marketers. Indeed anyone who wishes to enhance their creative flow.
It is well known that creativity is greatly enhanced when you have a relaxed ‘quiet’ mind. This probably explains why Archimedes cried “eureka” when relaxing in the bath! Hypnotherapy is great for relaxing your conscious mind, allowing the more powerful and creative subconscious mind to flow freely.
This recording encourages you to stay in a hypnotic trance after it has finished, in order for you to spend time generating new creative ideas. Having the right creative idea could massively enhance the success of your chosen career.
If you find this Free Creativity Hypnosis MP3, please show your appreciation by visiting our store for a more specific session to enhance the benefits you will receive.
To download this free creativity hypnosis download click the link below and “save as…” to your computer. To stream, left click…
Download Free Creativity Hypnosis
If you want the longer premium session for maximum effect, please click on the link below…

Please CLICK HERE For My Premium Creativity Hypnosis Session