Program your mind to succeed in life and achieve anything you set your mind to. My Free Success Hypnosis MP3 programs your subconscious mind to think more like a successful person.
Many successful people are not highly intelligent. They still lose their car keys and forget what day of the week it is! But they know how to think in a successful way. How to form definite goals, and how to keep focus on them.
My Free Success Hypnosis MP3 helps you unlock your potential for success.
It programs your mind to think in a way that successful people think.
If you find my Free Success Hypnosis MP3 useful, please show your appreciation by visiting my store for a more specific session to enhance the benefits you will receive.
To download Free Success Hypnosis MP3, right click the link below and “save as…” to your computer. To stream, left click…
Want extra help to achieve your weight loss goals? The best help you can possibly receive is to have weight loss messages subliminally implanted into your subconscious mind.
My free subliminal weight loss hypnosis video does exactly that. It gives you the desire to lose weight until you are at a healthy weight. You will eat more healthily and crave exercise more often. This combines to give you safe, long-term weight loss.
The subliminal affirmations are hidden within the musical backdrop. This means that you don’t hear them on a conscious level, but you do subconsciously. This is a quick way to talk to your subconscious mind and persuade it to change your habits.
For the best results please use this subliminal weight loss hypnosis video every day for a month…
This one simple change to your lifestyle could help you lose weight, half your chances of heart disease, decrease your chances of getting cancer, reduce symptoms of arthritis, and help you be healthier in many other ways…
What is it?
Modern life keeps progressively moving us further away from how we are naturally supposed to live. Advances in medical care and cleanliness help us stay healthier, but other aspects harm our health. If we can take the best of both worlds, then we can be REALLY healthy.
Here is one habit that modern life encourages, which detriments our health. It is – sitting down…
In these modern times most people spend a big portion of their day sitting down. Too much. They sit down at home watching TV, sit down at work, and sit down whilst driving from one place to another. We hardly ever need to stand up if we don’t want to. We don’t even need to stand up to switch on the TV any more. Research has consistently shown that sitting down for too long is not a healthy way to live. In fact it is very damaging.
Research On Sitting Down
As far back as the 1950’s research on sitting down shows the health benefits of standing more. A study comparing bus drivers to conductors showed that the conductors who stood for most of the day had a 50% lower risk of developing heart disease than the bus drivers who sat down.
Research has also shown that standing up burns around 50 calories more per hour than sitting down. The cumulative effects of this is great for weight loss. Just one hour per day standing would burn about 1500 more calories per month. Four hours per day would be around 6000 extra calories per month burned. That’s around two extra pounds of fat burnt.
Standing more can also help ease symptoms of arthritis, reduce blood pressure, and decrease our chances of developing diabetes. This is serious stuff.
What can I do?
The obvious answer is to stand more if you spend most of your day sat down. If you work at a desk, then make sure you stand up for a minute or two every half hour. Although this won’t help you burn many more calories, it will at least help get your blood flowing around your body, and reduce aches associated with sitting down for long periods of time.
Better still, persuade your employer to get you an adjustable workstation. This is where you can raise or lower the height of your desk so that you can alternate between standing and sitting whilst you work. This can make a MASSIVE difference to your health and well-being. You can then spend some of your day stood up whilst working.
There’s a great selection of height adjustable desks available at Amazon. They are well worth checking out here – HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE DESKS
If you can’t get an adjustable desk then a good tactic is to take all your phone calls stood up. This helps you be more energetic during the call, and it gives you a trigger to stand up regularly.
Give yourself plenty of excuses to stand up throughout the day. Perhaps you can take on some additional roles that require more standing up, such as stock taking. I even used to volunteer to go out and buy the dinners so that I could stretch my legs and get some fresh air.
We are not designed to be sat down all day. Find as many ways as you can to keep yourself moving.
Being sat down all day is not natural, and our bodies are not designed for this.
Final thoughts
More research is confirming the massive health benefits of standing more. It is only a matter of time before employers will be obliged to provide the option of standing work stations for their employees. They would be smart to do this now in order to avoid the potential of law suits in the future.
It’s possible that people with certain illnesses will start suing their employers if they were made to sit for long periods of time for many years. This happened when workers were made to breath in certain fumes for years. Forward them this article – it might just help persuade them to make provisions for you!
Here I will show you all the techniques you need to learn how to speed read…FOR FREE!
There are many courses out there that make bold claims that they can help you read at extraordinary speeds. They charge a fortune for online speed reading courses, books, DVD’s etc. Here you can get these speed reading tips for free!
There is a pay out to speed reading fast. The faster you read, the harder it is to comprehend and remember the information. That is why you need to practice comprehending at fast speeds, and learning what to ignore.
When a child first learns to read, their comprehension levels are low. They build this up with practice. You must do the same – at speed! When you are good enough, you can re-read material two or three times and understand it more than reading it at a normal pace, which would take longer.
Here are the tips to help you increase your reading speed…
In order to learn how to speed read, you first need to time your present reading speed. Find out how fast you read now so you can observe your improvement. This will help motivate you. You cannot compare times by reading the same text as before as you will be more familiar with it. You must choose a different text, but of a similar difficulty each time in order to get a fair comparison. Test yourself about once every week, and reward yourself for any improvements.
Practice and push yourself – Speed reading is a skill that requires a lot of practice. You must push yourself beyond your comfort levels. Keep practising regularly – daily if you can. Hypnosis can help you concentrate better on your speed reading.
Read in a quiet place – You can instantly increase your reading speed if you remove all distractions whilst you read. Turn off the TV, stereo and phone. Find a room where you will not be disturbed for a set period of time.
Learn to adjust reading speed depending on the material– Usually we must trade off comprehension for speed. You must learn how to recognise how thoroughly you need to understand what you are reading. This comes with experience – the more you do it, the quicker you will cotton on. You may not wish to read an emotional novel at speed for example.
Before you start reading some text, decide how fast you intend to go. If you’re reading a newspaper article, you may wish to just get the main ideas, and skim through it. If you are reading a deeper more complicated article, then you may wish to understand it more thoroughly, and adjust your reading speed accordingly.
Learn to separate important text from ‘filler’– There is usually a lot of ‘filler’ that you can read quickly through or even skim over. With practice you can identify the most important parts of a text as you skim through it. Before you begin reading, look over the whole text very quickly. Try to find patterns of repeated words, key ideas, bold print and other indicators of important concepts. When you come to reading, you may be able to skim over large portions of the text, slowing only when you come to something you know is important.
Stop reading to yourself – Most people when they read sub-vocalise, or pronounce the words to themselves. Some people move their lips or say the words under their breath. Other people say each word in their heads. These slow you down. Try to get yourself in the habit of not doing this. Focus on whether you do this. Stop yourself whenever you notice yourself do it.
Practice reading blocks of words – In order to read quickly you need to read groups of words – or even whole sentences or short paragraphs instantaneously. Most people read three or four words at a time. If you make yourself aware of how many words you read at a time, you can gradually increase this. Try holding the book a little further from your eyes to help see a wider field.
Check Out This Best Selling Online Speed Reading Course Bellow…
Train yourself not to reread– Most people often stop and skip back to words or sentences they just read to try to make sure they understood the meaning. This is usually unnecessary, but can easily become a habit. Smooth consistent eye motion is essential to speed reading. Here are a few methods to help this:..
The Hand – Place your right hand on the page and slowly move it straight down, drawing your eyes down as you read. Keep an even slow motion as if your right hand has its own mind. Your eyes may not be exactly where your hand is, but this simple motion will help you go faster. Keep the movement slow and smooth and try not to stop.
The Card – Use a card or a piece of paper over the line of text to block the words after you read them. Draw it down the page slowly and evenly and try to read the passage before you cover the words up. This helps break the habit of reading a passage over again. Push yourself and move the card down faster than you think you can go.
The Sweep – Another method is to use your hand to help draw your eyes across the page. Cup your right hand a little and keep your fingers together. With a very light and smooth motion, sweep your fingers from left to right, underlining the line with the tip of your index finger from about an inch in and an inch out on each line.
The Hop – Similar to the sweep method is the “hop”. In the hop you lift your fingers and make two even bounces on each line. Each time you bounce you make a fixation which should catch sets of three or four words. This method makes it easier to keep a steady pace as you can build up a rhythm, like when tapping your fingers on a table.
The Zig-Zag or Loop–Take your hand and cut across the text diagonally about three lines and then slide back to the next line. The idea here is not to see each word, but to scan the entire area, letting your mind pick out the main ideas.
Unfortunately there is no magical formula to learn how to speed read. It takes hard work and perseverance, but it can be done. You may or may not see the ‘amazing results’ you expected, but you can see a big improvement over time.
If you are struggling then read texts you have read before. It is easier to skip words, and will help you get into good habits. You could also try reading texts with large fonts.
Remember to take regular breaks. You cannot concentrate for more than half an hour and you must keep your eyes healthy and avoid straining them.
Want to learn quicker? My subliminal session will program your subconscious for accelerated learning…
When I ask patients why they started smoking, the most common response is peer pressure. Young people, especially in their teens, associate smoking with being sophisticated and mature.
In their haste to grow up, teenagers aspiring to be an adult start to smoke.
Most people when describing their first cigarette talk about feeling sick, dizzy, coughing etc. These are the body’s way of saying “STOP!”. However the young smoker persists through fear of being isolated by their friends.
Their body eventually accepts the smoke and gradually backs off from giving warning signs. The smoker feels they can now “handle smoking”. In fact damage is still being done, it’s just that their mind is now telling their body to ignore it.
With repetition, the subconscious can be fooled into thinking that smoking is necessary for survival – like food and water. When the nicotine levels drop, the subconscious begins to signal that it needs more. This is when cravings occur.
Many smokers claim that smoking helps them relax. This is not strictly true. Nicotine raises blood pressure, and the carbon monoxide decreases the blood’s ability to absorb oxygen. This has the effect of making you feel less relaxed, as your heart beats faster.
The craving of the unconscious mind to replenish nicotine levels is unpleasant. This unpleasantness can be removed by having a cigarette, creating the illusion that it helps relaxation.
This is what can be described as a “vicious circle”, which hypnotherapy can help with. Hypnotherapy tells your subconscious mind there is no benefit to smoking. You no longer want to look “mature and cool” and smoking is not needed for your survival. Once your subconscious knows this, it’s far easier to quit for good.
If you would like some hypnotherapy help quitting smoking…
Here I will share with you a sleep meditation exercise…
Several years ago I found myself struggling to sleep. In order to combat this I came up with my own meditation. Give it a try when you next lie in bed. It is pleasant and comforting, and works every time for me…
As you lie comfortably on your bed imagine the sensation of slowly and calmly rising out of your body. Now imagine gently rising to the ceiling. Observe what the room looks like from this perspective.
Now imagine turning around to view yourself lying in bed. Take notice of how you look, how your bed looks and how the room looks.
When you are ready, visualise yourself floating up above your house. Notice how your house and street look from this view point.
Now float off to somewhere you find relaxing and calming. It could be a beach, a garden, somewhere you have visited before, a “happy place”. Notice the trees, lakes or sea as you travel.
When you get to your destination, try to really experience the delights of your tranquil place. Use your senses of taste, touch, smell, sound and sight. Enjoy!
I hope you enjoyed this meditation for sleep. If you would like to try a different approach for a deeper sleep…
My free sleep hypnosis mp3 will help you drift off to sleep, and stay asleep for an appropriate amount of time. You will be relaxed and calm, allowing yourself to fall into a deep sleep – and stay asleep.
My Free Sleep Hypnosis MP3 helps you enjoy a long refreshing sleep, waking up feeling relaxed but energised. This will help you in almost every aspect of your life. From concentrating at work to fighting off infections. Almost every part of you benefits from a good nights sleep.
If you find my Free Sleep Hypnosis MP3 useful, please show your appreciation by visiting my store for a more specific session to enhance the benefits you receive.
To download this free sleeping hypnosis download right click the link below and “save as…” to your computer. To stream, left click…
Would you recommend an underweight friend skip breakfast to put on weight?
For years we were told to eat three square meals every day to stay healthy, and lose weight. This is no longer relevant to modern lifestyles…
The term “square meal” was first coined because of the Navy regulations in the 18th Century. All seamen were entitles to 3 meals per day, which consisted of gruel, served on square plates.
The Romans didn’t eat breakfast at all. They believed that it was healthier to eat one meal per day, which was their evening meal. The concept of breakfast didn’t really take off until the industrial revolution in the 19th century. Workers started eating food before starting their long gruelling day at work. They needed to do this to sustain their energy levels throughout their hard day.
At the beginning of the 20th century, breakfast was revolutionised by John Harvey Kellogg, who invented the breakfast cereal. By the 1950’s there were toasters, instant coffee and sliced bread widely available. This was when the modern breakfast really began.
In the 20th century
People were encouraged to eat 3 meals per day in order to stay healthy. Work was more physical, and domestic life was too. There were less labour saving devices like washing machines and cars. The majority of people worked long hours labouring, and had more physically difficult lives. They burned far more calories than people generally do today.
There was less money to go round, and food was more expensive than it is today. Many people struggled to afford to eat enough. So people generally needed to be reminded to eat more, or they risked becoming underweight, which can lead to many health problems.
Modern living
In modern times people don’t generally need to exert themselves as much, so they don’t burn as many calories. Most people in developed countries can afford to eat as much as they want. There is little chance that people are forced to be underweight. In fact the opposite is true. Many people are now overweight by regularly eating more calories than they burn.
The truth is that most people no longer need to be encouraged to eat more. They need to be encouraged to eat less. Most people with sedatory jobs do not need to eat three square meals every day. A normal healthy person would not suffer any health problems eating 2 meals per day, and it would not make them put on weight either.
+Bad for the metabolism?
It is not true that eating fewer meals will make a person put on weight. There has been no scientific research to back this up. Most research shows that there is no relationship between meal frequency and time, and gaining weight.
These are claims from the weight loss industry who don’t want people to lose weight. They like to make weight loss more complicated than it really is in order for people to be confused enough to buy their products.
Put it this way – if you had a loved one who was underweight, would you recommend they skipped breakfast to put weight on?
The only way a person can put on weight is by consuming more calories than they burn. It doesn’t matter what time of day you eat the calories. If you burn 2500 calories over the course of a day, and eat a big 2000 calorie meal in the evening, you will still lose a little bit of weight. This makes total 100% mathematical sense. Research has also shown that meal frequency has no bearing on the metabolism.
Try skipping a meal
So if you want to lose weight, why not try skipping a meal? There is nothing wrong with skipping breakfast, unless you have a really physical job or health problems such as diabetes.
Breakfast is often the best meal to skip. Most people eat things such as toast or cereal, which give you a lot of calories without providing much nutrition. Without breakfast you will feel hungry for the first 2 or 3 days, but quickly you will get used to this and it will become normal.
Making this one change could save you around 500 calories per day, depending on what you used to eat for breakfast. That is around 3500 calories per week. This is around the same amount of calories that it takes to make one pound of body fat.
CLICK ME To Find Out More!
So if you make this change, you could lose a pound of fat per week – that’s 52 in a year!
Final thoughts
All you need to do is live the same as before, but skip one meal a day. This makes it sustainable in the long run. Be careful that you don’t “make up” for missing a meal by eating more throughout the rest of the day. Cut out one meal and live the same, and see what happens after a month. You may be very pleasantly surprised.
If you need more help losing weight, take a look at my Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Pack. It convinces your mind that you’ve had a gastric band fitted, and significantly reduces your appetite…
Many people overeat because they are missing something in their lives, and they eat in an attempt to compensate. Obviously this is counter productive. My Free Healthy Eating Meditation MP3 helps you address the underlying reasons why you overeat, and help you satisfy these in a healthier way.
Once you feel more fulfilled with your life, you will naturally eat less, as you are no longer “filling a missing void”.
If you find this audio useful, please show your appreciation by visiting my meditation store for a more specific session.
To download myFree Healthy Eating Meditation MP3, right click the link below and “save as…” to your computer. Left click to stream…