Seasonal Diet Damage Limitation

Around Thanksgiving and Christmas we are bombarded with food, food and more food…with plenty of alcohol to wash it down. This puts a great deal of strain on your body.

Seasonal Diet Damage Limitation

Rather than eat like a rabbit, you should enjoy yourself. As long as you don’t overdo the festivities, you can greatly reduce the damage.

Here’s a few tactics to help you minimise the damage of your festive feasting..

Fatty Foods

A thick, juicy burger and a mountain of fries seemed like a good idea at the time. Now you’ve got the grease and fat working its way through your digestive system, leaving you tired and bloated. If this is the case, you should make sure that your next meal is full of fibre.

The fibre will bind with the fat and speed up its trip through your digestive system. You can find fibre in all types of food: fruit, veg, cereals, wholemeal pasta and rice.

Walnuts make a good snack after a fatty meal as they protect your arteries from fat deposits and help maintain a healthy heart.

Please CLICK HERE if you want to learn how to stick to your new year resolutions

Salty Foods

Salted snack treats, soups, takeaways all contain a lot of salt. Order a Chinese from the local takeaway and there’s a very good chance that, in one meal, you’ll digest more than your daily limit of salt.

The dangers of eating too much salt include raised blood pressure, hardened arteries and osteoporosis.

When possible, you should eliminate adding salt to meals. If you must flavour your food try using pepper, lemon juice, herbs or spices. When you have eaten a salty snack or meal, make sure you wash it down with plenty of water to flush out the excess salt.

Celery is a great snack for ridding excess salt. It has the added benefit of being a great weight loss food. Its calorie count is so low you almost burn more calories eating it than you take in!

Sugary Foods

All those fizzy drinks, sweets, candy and biscuits carry a price. They leave you feeling bloated and, after the initial sugar rush, your energy levels crash.

Much like salt it can be hard to cut back on sugar because it’s hidden in so many foods. However, unlike salt, sugar offers no health benefits. It’s solely a source of calories.

Like salt, the answer lies in drinking plenty of water to flush out your system.

Cinnamon is known to help reduce blood sugar levels, so try sprinkling it on your coffee, cereal or yogurt.


“Binge drinking” is more prevalent at Christmas than any time of the year. It damages organs, provides empty calories and increases your risk of several different kinds of cancer.

There’s a reason why a fry-up is a common hangover cure – eggs effectively mop up toxins in your liver and keep blood sugar levels on an even keel.

However a fry-up contains both the fatty and salty food groups. Instead try scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast.

Finally, and I hate to say this… sprouts are an excellent food, full of anti-toxins which greatly reduce your risk of getting cancer. Still, I’ll only eat them once a year!

If you DON’T want to put on weight this festive period, then here is the perfect thing for you. I can reprogram your subconscious mind to crave healthier foods…

Please CLICK HERE For More Details Of My Sensible Eating Hypnosis

How To Remember Names

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Do you get embarrassed because you forget peoples’ names? I can help you learn how to remember names…

Remembering names is a powerful way to get on in life. Imagine how you would feel if you took your car to a garage, then 6 months later you return and they remember your name. Wouldn’t you feel like a valued customer? Wouldn’t you be more likely to return with a smile on your face? This is great for business.

This skill can help you in other areas of your life too. If you are at a party and talk to someone and remembered their name at the next party, wouldn’t that make you stand out from the crowd? You can gain new friends and even a new partner because of this.

I will share with you an impressive technique how to remember names…

How To Remember NamesWhen I learnt this technique several years ago I went to a party with my then girlfriend. I knew nobody there. I set myself up for a boring night! I decided to ask her everyone’s name in the room. She also told me a little bit about each of them. I must have remembered about 50 people’s names, and even the information attached to them. I could not have remembered 5 people’s names without this technique…

Before I share this technique with you, I will quickly run through some important basic principals of good memory…

You must believe you have a good memory, and have faith in it. If you believe you have a poor memory, your mind will prove you right.

We remember things that stand out. If a pink elephant walked past you in the supermarket, then you will remember this for years. You probably wouldn’t remember a dog walking past you an hour after it happens.

(CLICK HERE if you want to learn how experts memorise huge lists of things. ANYONE can do this.)

We remember things that we pay attention to. A lot of forgetting is down to people not paying attention. If someone asks you to remember to do something, briefly imagine yourself doing it. Think about when and where you will do this. The more details you attach to this, the more likely you are to remember it.

A relaxed mind helps memory. When you are trying to remember something, stay relaxed. Also keep a relaxed mind when recalling memories. If you are struggling to recall something, do not get frustrated. Instead forget about it for a while. Often your unconscious mind carries on looking for this information without you realizing it. The memory often pops into your head when you least expect it. Has this happened to you?

Right then, I said earlier that I would share the technique for remembering people’s names – remember?! Here goes …

The technique how to remember names

When you meet someone, ask them their name. Be interested in their name. Say it to yourself a few times. Use their name in conversation. This helps drum it into your brain.

If they have an unusual name, ask them about it. Find out what it means – why they were named this. It’s amazing how much this helps. The information about their name creates a ‘hook’ for you to hang the dry information of their name.

When someone tells you their name,find a way to link it to them. For example someone called Michelle may be wearing shells round her neck. However you will probably not be so lucky! Instead, visualise them wearing LOTS of oversized shells. Make it a big, bright and bold visualisation. Then when you are trying to recall her name, an image of Michelle covered in shells will remind you.

Sometimes I imagine them interacting in some unusual way with a celebrity of the same name. If for example a man says he is called Tom, then you may imagine him having a fight with Tom Cruise. Try to visualize it as vividly as you can. Use as many of your sense as you can. Make this image funny, scary, unusual – something that stands out. When you next see this person and think about their name, this image literally pops up into your mind to remind you.

This technique is  great for building up your creative powers as you have to get creative to find a link. It can be difficult, but there is always one somewhere.

Final thoughts

Now you know How To Remember Names. As with most things in life, the more you do it the better you get. If you keep in mind these techniques and use them regularly, you will find that you quickly become better using them. If you stick to using these principals, you will find that you start to using them without even thinking about it. Then you will feel that you have a great memory. Remember where you got this information from when you rich, generous and successful!

Hypnosis can unlock your powerful memory from your subconscious mind.

Please CLICK HERE for details of my memory hypnosis session

Free Releasing Negative Thoughts Meditation MP3

Free Releasing Negative Thoughts Meditation MP3…

UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

My guided meditation is designed to release all negative thoughts from your mind. This is particularly useful after a stressful day at work or with the family which may have left you in poor spirits.

You will feel your negativity seep away, allowing you to retain a warm nature and positive outlook.

Negative thoughts can build over over days, weeks, months and even years. They slowly drag you down and stress you out. Meditation is great for releasing negative thoughts.

If you find this audio useful, please show your appreciation by visiting my meditation shop for a more specific session.

To download this free releasing negative thoughts meditation right click the link below and “save as…” to your computer. Left click to stream…

Download Free Releasing Negative Thoughts Meditation

Do you have thoughts that keep recurring in your head that you’d like to stop? I can help your subconscious mind stop triggering these unwanted thoughts…

CLICK ME To learn More!

Free Relaxation Hypnosis MP3

Free Relaxation Hypnosis MP3Free Relaxation Hypnosis MP3…

This is a short hypnosis session designed to help you relax after a hard day. Much like my Ego Boost session, this helps improve many aspects of your life, and is great for dealing with sleep problems.

Try my free relaxation hypnosis MP3 today and you will be amazed at how much more relaxed you will feel – instantly.

Being relaxed helps you in almost every way imaginable. It helps you concentrate at work, improves your mood, reduces stress. And that’s just the beginning!

We all function much better when relaxed.

If you find my audio useful, please show your appreciation by visiting my store for a more specific session to enhance the benefits you will receive.

To download my free relaxation hypnosis download right click the link below and “save as…” to your computer.

Download Free Relaxation Hypnosis

How To Reduce Your Risk of Catching A Cold

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

How To Reduce Your Risk of Catching A Cold…

Although there is no cure for a common cold, you can significantly reduce your chances of catching a cold. Here’s some tips…

Did you know that most colds are NOT spread by breathing in an air born virus?

This is how most colds are actually spread…

Most of us regularly touch our faces and noses throughout the day. When you have a cold and touch your nose, you deposit some of the cold virus onto your hands. This can be left on door handles, surfaces, telephones etc. Someone comes along, touches one of these objects, and then touches their nose. This deposits the virus into their system.

How To Reduce Your Risk of Catching A ColdTo avoid this, wash your hands regularly throughout the day. However be careful not to develop an obsession around this! Also avoid touching your nose.

Just doing this will significantly reduce your chances of catching a cold.

Stress can suppress your immune system, rendering your body more vulnerable for viral infection. Hypnotherapy is great at reducing stress, and can strengthen your immune system. (Check out my Super Relaxation Hypnosis MP3)

Your diet can also help you avoid colds. Garlic and Echinacea boost your immunity to colds. Black and green teas also contain many antiviral compounds including tannins.

There are hundreds of different strains of the cold virus and it would be impossible to totally avoid them. However by following these pieces of advice you should significantly reduce your likelihood of suffering from them.

Want help strengthening your immune system?

I can reprogram your subconscious mind to direct more of your body’s resources to your immune system…

Please CLICK HERE for more details of my Immune System Hypnosis

A Rant About Dieting

Globally the diet industry is worth millions. There are thousands of products, classes, books, videos etc. In order to maximise their profits, the diet industry needs their products to fail so that consumers buy more. It’s a strange state of affairs, but if a weight loss product worked, there would be no repeat custom.

Another tactic of the weight loss industry is to create dependency. This might be weight loss classes or services where they delivery your food pre-made. They may help you lose weight, but only for as long as you use their service. Are you really going to spend the rest of your life getting your food delivered?

What people need is something that actually works, offers a permanent change, all without making you dependent on the product or service. That something is hypnosis…

weight loss hypnosisHypnosis offers long lasting permanent change in a relatively short space of time. Rather than relying on products to do the work for you, hypnosis offers permanent change to your eating habits. It does this by programming the subconscious where all your urges and drives come from.

If your sceptical, think of this. Hypnotherapists aren’t exclusively in the weight loss niche. They can afford to treat people permanently because they offer so many different therapies. A person who a hypnotherapist has successfully helped lose weight is likely to return for different therapies.

Losing weight should not mean living a meagre existence, constantly in denial. A few simple but permanent changes in your lifestyle can give great results.

Could hypnosis help you lose weight? Check out my honest article Hypnosis For Weight Loss

Rainbow Meditation

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

This rainbow meditation script can help you discover your true potential and intrinsic worth.

As you gaze at the wondrous colours of the rainbow feel your body becoming lighter. From your head down to your toes, you are as light as a feather. Feel your body take the aura of the rainbow. Every colour radiating from your body.

Little by little, the colour red takes over your whole body. You are now emitting a red glow. Feel yourself giving out strength and energy. You are now full of strength and energy.

Gradually feel the red glow change to orange. Your whole body emitting an orange glow. Feel yourself giving out happiness and joy. You are now full of happiness and joy.

CLICK HERE To Check Out My Soothing Collection Of Nature Sounds

Rainbow MeditationFeel the orange glow transition to yellow. Your whole body emitting a yellow glow. Feel yourself giving out intelligence. You are now full of intelligence.

Little by little, feel the green glow transition to blue. Your whole body emitting a blue glow. Feel yourself giving out peace and tranquillity. You are now full of peace and tranquillity.

Now feel the yellow glow transition to green. Your whole body emitting a green glow. Feel yourself giving out love and friendship. You are now full of love and friendship.

Gradually feel the blue glow transition to indigo. Your whole body emitting an indigo glow. Feel yourself giving out kindness and gentleness. You are now full of kindness and gentleness.

Feel the indigo glow change to violet. Your whole body emitting an violet glow. Feel yourself giving out beauty and self-respect. You are now full of beauty and self-respect.

Now you are the rainbow, your colours shining out everywhere. Feel yourself getting bigger and bigger, your colours shining out further and further until you cover the entire room, now further covering the whole country, and further still the whole world.

As you spread your glorious colours you are spreading out energy, happiness, intelligence, love, peace, kindness and beauty. Spread out even further so your colours are shining throughout the entire universe. You are as big as the entire universe, your colours and positive qualities shining out in every direction and touching every corner of space.

All these amazing colours change into a single beam of bright white light. This white light beaming down the crown chakra at the top of your head and flowing down to your heart. Feel all this white light going into your heart.

For soothing peace of mind, listening to the sounds of nature, such as birds chirping and water flowing is a great way.

I have created a series of 12 one hour audio’s that contain soothing sounds of nature…

CLICK ME To Learn More!

CLICK HERE To Check Out My Soothing Collection Of Nature Sounds

Free Quit Smoking Hypnosis MP3

Free Stop Smoking Hypnosis MP3
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

My free quit smoking hypnosis MP3 is a powerful tool to help you quit smoking for good. It reprograms your subconscious mind to stop it driving you to smoke. This significantly reduces your urge to smoke.

You don’t have to be a slave to cigs anymore.

If you find my Free Quit Smoking Hypnosis MP3 useful, please show your appreciation by visiting my store for a more specific session. Thanks!

Please CLICK HERE To Visit HypnoBusters!

To download my free quit smoking hypnosis download right click the link below and “save as…” to your computer. To stream, left click…

Download Free Quit Smoking Hypnosis

Please Click Me To Find Out More!

Need help before, during AND after you’ve quit?

My comprehensive Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Pack helps you at ALL stages of your quitting process…

CLICK HERE For More Details Of My Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Pack

Quick Weight Loss Tips

1 . Set a realistic weight loss target. You do not need to be the next Kate Moss!

2. Eat at set meal times, preferably at a table.

3. Eat slowly and focus on the taste of the food.

Here is a very important one…

4. Eat only when you are genuinely hungry. Be honest with yourself. Stop when you are satisfied. (Check out this weight loss system).

5. Leave something on your plate every meal – even if it is just one pea. This breaks any habits of eating everything on your plate.

6. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Avoid alcohol and sugary drinks.

7. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables – at least your recommended 5 per day.

8. Get more exercise. You don’t have to live in the gym. Try walking shorter journeys you would normally drive. Use stairs instead of the lift. Enjoy relaxing country walks.

9. Enjoy life. Be happy, get out and seek fun experiences. Get new hobbies – this can distract you from overeating.

10. Regularly listen to the Weight Loss, Ego Boost and Relaxation sessions as a way of relaxing, feeling good, and gaining control over your life and habits.

Did you know that most people are overweight because they eat too quickly? What happens is that you eat too quickly for your stomach to register it is full. (It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to know it’s full)

This causes you to slightly overeat every time you have a meal. This is why many people gradually gain weight over years, without hardly noticing it.

I can help you with hypnotherapy…

Click here for more information about Eating Slowly Hypnosis

10 more weight loss tips

Questions To Help You Quit Smoking

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Questions To Help You Quit Smoking…

If you wish to give up smoking then this questionnaire helps. If you answer these questions honestly, they can reveal your subconscious drives to smoke – some which you may not have realised. They can help you understand why you smoke, which can greatly enhance your chances of giving up.

  • Questions To Help You Quit SmokingHow long have you smoked?
  • How old were you when you started?
  • Why did you start?
  • How did your first cigarette feel?
  • What benefits do you get out of smoking?
  • When do you smoke?
  • When do you have your first cigarette of the day?
  • Specifically, why do you want to stop?
  • Have you ever given up before? How did you do it, and for how long?
  • Why did you start again?
  • As a non-smoker, what will you be able to do that you cannot right now?
  • How much do you spend, and what will you do with that money?
  • Apart from you, who will be most pleased you are a non-smoker?

Thank you for reading this article – I hope it has helped you decide to quit smoking once and for all.

If you want some extra help, check out my Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Pack, which gives help before, during, and after quitting…

CLICK ME To Find out More!

Please CLICK HERE To learn More About My Quit Smoking Hypnosis Pack