I’ve made a few self help pictures for my sister site HypnoBusters. I’ve shared some of these on the HypnoBusters Facbook page, but I thought it would be nice to share them here too.
Please come back as I will update this collection when I make new self help pics.
Feel free to share these with friends on social media or wherever. They might help brighten someones day, or motivate them!
Do you have a bad memory from your past? Does it make your stomach churn even though the events were a while ago?
I can help you!
Bellow is a video that is less than 2 minutes long. Here I show you how to install an NLP anchor. In this case it involves tapping the back of your right hand with your left index finger.
Once you have followed this video, your anchor will be set up for life – for free!
Once you’ve completed this short video, any time you think of a bad memory, simply tap the back of your right hand with your left index finger. You will instantly feel much better about the memory.
Try it right now. It’s so quick and simple to set up. Enjoy!
(Please share with people you think will benefit from this)
We have all known for a long time the positive benefits of exercise. However we probably didn’t realise how important! Many people think that because they don’t smoke, they don’t need to exercise. This study shows how wrong this thinking is.
This study went on to say that you can, at any age and any gender, significantly benefit from exercise – it’s never too late.
Why do so many people not exercise?
It’s because we are hard-wired to avoid exercise. I’ll put this a different way…
Our caveman ancestors had to work hard for food. Food was far more scarce than it is now. In order to survive we not only had to find food, we also had to conserve energy.
Not getting enough exercise has never been a concern to humans until the last hundred years or so. We never needed to exercise. So we have no natural inbuilt desire to exercise. We only have a in built desire for action when it benefits us – like hunting for food. Once we have found food, we relax.
Most people these days are surrounded by more than enough food to meet their needs. They have no psychological need for action.
Hypnotherapy can change this. A hypnotherapist can re-programme your subconscious mind to want to exercise.
Your subconscious mind is probably unaware of the benefits of exercise. In it’s default setting your subconscious mind sees exercise as a waste of energy.
However a hypnotherapist can communicate with your subconscious mind and tell it the wonderful benefits of exercise. This drastically increases your urge to exercise.
WANTING to exercise will get you up on those cold mornings for a run. Get you out your cosy home and head to the gym.
If you want help changing your mindset so you want to exercise, check out my Exercise Motivation Hypnosis MP3…
Recently there has been a lot of publicity about CBD oil. This is an oil derived from the cannabis plant. Many patients have claimed that CBD oil has helped with things such as pain relief, seizures, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, and even cancer.
CBD oil is extracted from the cannabis plant. CBD is the part that is non psychoactive. This means that it will not give you a “high”. You can go about your normal business after taking it.
In many countries CBD oil is now legal, and this trend looks set to continue into many other territories.
Please CLICK HERE To Learn More About CBD Oil – FOR FREE!
It would seem that not much scientific research has yet been completed. However it’s likely that many studies are currently ongoing. It’s just a matter of time before we discover to what extent CBD oil is helpful in a medical sense.
Check out the video bellow. Dr Chris from the UK TV show “This Morning” discusses the medicinal value of CBD oil.. This gives us some insight into the current views of CBD Oil And The Medical Profession…
A while ago I did a series of article called “Ask The Hypnotherapist”. In this I took questions about hypnosis from you the reader.
These questions about hypnosis and health have been buried on my site due to more content. However there is some really good information about hypnosis in them. So I’ve revived them…
To make it easier for you to find them, I’ve compiled all the “Ask The Hypnotherapist” series on this page.
Check out the questions about hypnosis bellow. Any you want to find the answer to, click on the link of that edition of “Ask The Hypnotherapist”. Learning is fun – Enjoy!
What made you decide that you wanted to become a hypnotherapist?
I have a question about if hypnotherapy can help me with severe pain. I have had to take morphine and now I am on Methadone for severe lower back pain that no operation can help. Could hypnotherapy ever help me enough with this pain so that I can stop taking this strong medication?
I am a big fan of athletics and I often notice that just before they begin their discipline (sprinting, long jump, etc) they close their eyes. Are they performing self-hypnosis? If so what exactly are they thinking?
If I fall asleep during one of your hypnosis sessions will it still have the required effect on me?
Can hypnotherapy work with children around the age of 10?
I have paruresis (shy bladder) which is an anxiety disorder which leaves me unable to use public restrooms or go to the toilet if I know there is anyone else around. Could hypnotherapy help me overcome this?
Why do you think that some people aren’t willing to try hypnotherapy and/or don’t take hypnosis seriously?
Is there anything I can do to help make the process of hypnotherapy more effective while listening to one of your hypnosis downloads?
Should I consult my doctor before undertaking hypnotherapy?
Are there any differences between meditation and hypnosis, and if so what are they?
Recently I’ve noticed that I can’t get to sleep unless my bedroom is tidy and straight. For example if I’m lying in bed and see that I have a drawer slightly open I have to get up and close it. Is this something hypnotherapy could stop me doing?
What are the maximum number of downloads you would recommend someone listen to at any one time? For example, if there were six downloads that I felt could help me would I be best served to purchase and listen to all six regularly for a few months? Or would it be better to purchase, say two, listen to them for a few months and then move onto another two?
I have quite bad hay fever. This makes the summer months miserable for me. I don’t expect an outright cure, but could hypnotherapy lessen the effects of hay fever?
Can hypnosis be used to make you forgot a negative event from the past?
Does my Doctor need to know if I am undergoing hypnotherapy sessions?
I have been to a few stage hypnosis shows. Please could you tell me why the hypnotists use a pendulum type device to put people “under their spell”?
If I have to stop listening to a hypnosis download halfway through would this have any negative effects?
I was born in France and moved to America at the age of 8. I’m now in my mid-thirties and I’m contemplating moving back to France. When I was young, obviously I spoke French but that seems like a distant memory now. I’d like to try and re-learn the language before I make a serious decision on whether to move or not. Is hypnosis something that could help me with language recovery?
Has there ever been a case you’ve heard about of someone being stuck in a hypnotic trance?
What is your opinion on stage hypnosis? Do you think it harms the profession of medical hypnotherapists or do you see it as just another form of entertainment?
Do you ever place yourself under hypnosis when you feel the need to relax?
My question is, does this sound like a problem hypnotherapy could help me overcome? Would you recommend I make an appointment with a hypnotherapist in person?
What are your plans, looking towards the future, for HypnoBusters?
Do you ever see a day where hypnotherapy is widely accepted amongst the medical profession?
My partner and I have been unsuccessfully trying to conceive. A friend of my wife’s suggesting we try fertility hypnotherapy before we go the IVF route. I’m sceptical on whether hypnosis can aid with fertility, what are your thoughts?
What do you think the values are of hypnotherapy in maintaining good mental health?
I’ve heard of great movies being described as “hypnotic” and “mesmerizing”. Can film (and television) produce an hypnotic effect in the viewer, or are the descriptions merely hyperbole?
Is it safe to drive after listening to a hypnotherapy session?
I have a very specific problem which I’d like to see a hypnotherapist in person about. I’ve heard that most hypnotherapists start off with a consultation. What actually happens during these consultations?
Is it possible to be “trapped” within a hypnotic trance?
Will I be able to remember what went on during a hypnosis session?
Are some people more hypnotizable than others?
I came across a couple of news pieces recently where a hypnotherapist worked to affectively “anaesthetize” a patient while a doctor or dentist operate on them, to great success. Do you see this becoming common practice in the future?
After a hypnotherapy session should I remember what went on during that time?
Is there any way to test if I’m hypnotizable before trying it?
Should I use hypnotherapy as an alternative to prescribed medication?
I’ve noticed that you have started to add hypnosis downloads to HypnoBusters that deal with more physical issues such as Breast Enhancement and Erectile Dysfunction. I can understand how hypnotherapy works with mental and emotion issues but could you please explain how hypnosis works towards aiding physical problems?
How long do the effects of hypnosis typically last?
Does a sports psychologist use hypnosis as part of their profession?
When I listen to one of your hypnosis download I try to lie down so I can completely relax. At the moment though I’m suffering through a prolonged virus which has made this position uncomfortable. Is it okay to sit up in a chair or even stand up while undergoing hypnosis?
Is hypnosis a new age practice akin to crystal healing or aromatherapy?
If there was one common misconception about hypnosis that you could dispel, what would it be?
What is the best way to go about learning self hypnosis?
I love the relaxation hypnosis videos you have been posting on Youtube. You’ve said that you have four in total, do you have any plans to do more in the future?
Hi. Can you explain to me how exactly your Breast Enhancement hypnosis session works?
Have you ever worked with a client who was terminally ill, to help them with pain relief? If so what are your experiences of this?
Why are your prices on your mp3s and scripts so low in comparison to other hypnosis sites?
I saw on your Twitter feed that research shows hypnosis as a better alternative to anaesthetic to sedate children before operations. Can you see a day where hypnotherapy is commonly used in place of anaesthetic?
How do I go about recommending sessions that I’d like to see on HypnoBusters?
Are there any books you’ve read and enjoyed on the subject of hypnosis/hypnotherapy?
I’m about 40lbs overweight and would like to shed this load but at the same time I find myself feeling very unmotivated when it comes to starting a diet and exercise program? What would you recommend to give me the motivation to lose weight?
How can I improve my ability to go “under hypnosis”?
Is there anything you don’t like or wish you could change about your profession as a hypnotherapist?
Derren Brown correctly predicted the UK national lottery numbers on Wednesday. He later explained that he did this either by using “the wisdom of crowds” or by fixing the draw. Do you think he really used one of these methods or was this more misdirection?
What are your opinions on past life regression and the use of hypnosis in this field?
Do you offer any free samples of your work that I can try before I buy?
How can I test if I can be hypnotized or not?
On your bio it mentions you’re a musician. What instruments do you play and who are some of your musical influences?
Are there any forums or communities on the internet that are good for talking about hypnotherapy?
How long before I can expect hypnotic suggestions to take root in my unconscious mind?
Does hypnosis always work for everybody?
I’m interested in learning stage hypnosis. Do you perform shows? If you do where/how did you learn?
I really enjoyed your article on Paul McKenna. Do you plan to write anymore personality profiles on other famous hypnotherapists or self improvement experts?
Do you ever ask yourself, “Am I depressed?” You probably should from time to time. Here’s why…
Many people suffer from depression, but only a relative few realise this at the time. There are justifiable reasons for this.
You’re busy focusing on jobs, money, house work, shopping, children, and all of life’s challenges. Mental well being is often pushed into the background.
However the effects of depression can be devastating.
Depression impairs sleep and causes break downs in relationships. It increases the chance of risky behaviours such as drugs and alcohol addiction. Depression can lead to self harming and even suicide.
Depression can drastically impair your quality of life. So it should be taken seriously. That’s why you should ask yourself every now and then “Am I depressed?”.
Once you’ve identified that you’re depressed, then you can start doing something about it. This could be lifestyle changes or medication. Always seek medical opinion if you suspect you’re depressed.
Below is a depression self assessment questionnaire, created by the National Health Service of Great Britain. It’s a guide only and is not intended to replace a Doctor. If you feel you might be depressed, please seek professional medical advice…
Please SHARE This Depression Self-Assessment With Anyone You Feel Might Benefit From It. This could literally save someone’s life..
You see adverts for health insurance everywhere. You even see insurance for your death. Whilst health insurance is useful for providing financial help, there is one MAJOR thing that it doesn’t do.
It doesn’t help your health.
Health insurance is a financial protection against your health. But it doesn’t really protect you. Health insurance does nothing to stop you from getting ill. It just pays you once you are. Yes, money can help you through it, but wouldn’t it be better not to get ill in the first place?
Modern view
The modern ethos on health seems to be about patching yourself up when you’re ill, rather than preventing it in the first place. We have safety nets to help us once we’re ill. However this can cause complacency, and nor encourage us to take care of ourselves properly.
If you asked your bosses for a couple of days off work because you were feeling stressed, they’d probably think you were crazy. However it would be fine to take several weeks off if you were diagnosed with extreme stress. Does this make sense?
It’s not socially acceptable to prevent illness, but sorting it out afterwards when the damage is done is fine. But you don’t have to be drawn into this…
Act now!
Why wait until you have breathing complaints before you quit smoking? Why not take control and quit before you have to? If you leave it too long, it could be too late.
If you eat a poor diet, why wait until you get heart disease or diabetes before you do something about it?
Take a proactive approach to your health. Aim to be healthy and in good shape BEFORE you have a problem. It’s more difficult to get in good health once you’re ill. Do something about it NOW.
What you can do
There’s 3 main things you can do to look after your health…
Take regular exercise if you don’t already. It doesn’t have to involve long hours at the gym – unless you like that kind of thing. If you have a short journey to make, walk instead of taking transport.
Maybe you like a particular sport, such as swimming or tennis. Even playing golf gets you out there and moving.
If you have a sedentary lifestyle, then try to do more. Things like DIY and gardening get you moving, and will also improve your living space. Don’t sit or lie about for long periods. Keep active.
You need to stop eating junk food on a daily basis. Occasionally is fine. Too many people rely on processed foods as there main source of nutrition. This is asking for trouble.
We are not designed to eat foods with all the chemicals, preservatives, excessive salt and sugar that is added to processed food. They are a BIG contributor to many health issues such as diabetes, weight gain, high blood pressure and heart disease.
I like the late great Jack Lalanne’s ethos on food. Only eat what was available 1000 years ago. This means eggs are fine. Fresh meat is fine. Fresh fruits and vegetables are fine.
Snack foods such as chocolate, crisps, chips etc. are not fine – especially as a meal. Neither are frozen or canned ready meals. They contain too many impurities to be eaten all the time. They also contain fewer nutrients than fresh foods.
Stress is more damaging to your health than most people believe. It weakens your immune system, and releases hormones into your body that can be toxic.
Make sure you don’t do too much. Listen closely to yourself. If you’re feeling stressed, find ways to avoid it. Slow down for a while if you can. Try regular meditation.
Take it seriously when you’re feeling stressed, and do something about it. It is definitely NOT a trivial matter.
Reduce the things in life that stress you out. If your job is stressful then either learn not to take it so seriously, or find a less stressful job. Is the money really worth your health and happiness?
Final thoughts
Now you know how to prevent most illnesses. Why not look after your health now? Keep an eye on your stress levels and reduce your work load if you feel you’re doing too much. Don’t allow people to put too much on you. Make sure you take regular exercise, and eat as natural foods as you can.
Think exercise, diet, stress. If you can look after these three things you will be healthier, happier and live longer. This is the best health insurance you can have. Go on, it’s worth the effort!
Want to learn how to remember stuff? Lists of tens, even hundreds of items? You can with this powerful memory technique…
Most people struggle to remember more than 7 or 8 items on a list. This is because we don’t use our minds in the best way to achieve this.
Our brains are not designed to remember unimportant dry bits of information. However we can learn to remember unimportant dry information by using techniques to colour it up. Before we go into the method, try this…
Below is a list of 10 items. Spend a few minutes memorising them. Don’t worry how you do, just try your best..
Now cover up the screen and either write or type them down. How did you do?
If you remembered them all then well done. But do you think you could have done this with a list of 20,30 or even 100 objects? If you didn’t remember them all, don’t worry because you soon will!
The technique
The technique essentially involves story telling. Our minds are geared to learn sequences of events rather than stand alone bits of dry information. A story needs to be created to link one bit of information to the next.
Below is an example using the list above. Close your eyes and visualise the story I tell in the video.
How did you do? Much better?
This is the same technique memory experts use to remember huge lists of items. I’ve managed to remember lists of over 100 words using this technique.
After using this technique for a while, my memory naturally improved. I didn’t always use it deliberately, but it somehow helped unlock my natural powerful memory. Perhaps I do sort of use it subconsciously. This technique has helped me know my mind better, which probably also helps me remember things.
How to use stories
To make stories work, there must be a cause and effect. When the monkey ran up the clock, there has to be a reason why shoes were thrown at him. It was because the monkey is a better climber, and throwing shoes is one way of knocking him off and catching him.
You must also visualise the story. See it as clearly as you can in your imagination. Also use as many senses as you can – especially sounds and smell. You may have to go over the story a few times in your mind to drum it in.
What I found was that I could see the sequence of events in my mind, and this caused me to then remember the narrative, which contains the keywords.
Final thoughts
I’m confident that using this technique significantly expands your mind. It helps improve your memory even when you’re not using it. It also helps you understand your mind, and learn to use it better.
This story telling technique also enhances your creativity. You quickly increase your ability to imagine images, sounds, smells etc. You also become quicker at inventing scenarios that contain the items you want to remember.
Try it for yourself. Here’s a different list for you to practice memorising…
Another way of helping improve your memory is by organising your thoughts. Like a well cared for library, well organised thoughts are easier to retrieve. My Memory Hypnosis MP3 helps organise your thoughts so you can better remember ANYTHING. Please click the link bellow for more information…
Have you ever wondered if both sexes are best dieting the same way?
Recent research suggests not…
Latest science break throughs have recently discovered unique diet strategies for men and women that are proven to work best for their respective metabolisms.
The video presentation at the link below reveals breakthrough, fat burning tricks designed specifically for the female metabolism to help women lose weight faster…
Surprisingly, research shows when women use these tips to boost their metabolism, they can burn fat faster and easier than men instead of the other way around for once!
Many people want to know – does hypnosis work? There is a good reason for this…
It is because hypnosis is often portrayed by the media as a magical practice that takes control, and holds power over you. The truth is very different…
To perform hypnotherapy, the subject must be guided into a hypnotic trance. If you’ve never experienced hypnosis, put everything you thought about it to one side for a moment. The reality is likely to be different to what you imagine.
TV and films like to make a hypnotic trance out to be a magical and mysterious state of mind where the hypnotist has power over you. This is NOT how it works.
A hypnotherapist guides you into a trance state of mind. The word “guides” is used to mean “helps”. A hypnotherapist helps you achieve a trance mindset. They are not making you do anything. If you don’t want to go into a trance, you can easily resist – but what’s the point in that? It’s like hiring a cleaner, then throwing dirt over your floor once they’ve left.
A hypnotic trance is a normal everyday state of mind. When you are daydreaming, you are in a trance state of mind. When you are deeply engrossed in a book or a TV program, you are in a hypnotic trance. In a nutshell it’s when you’re “zoned out”.
A trance is where your conscious mind is tuned down, allowing greater access to your subconscious mind. Most of us naturally slip into this state of mind several times every day.
(T.V. Advertisers exploit this. They know that people often slip into a trance when watching T.V. This makes them more suggestible to their adverts.)
Subconscious mind
Your subconscious mind controls your habits, fears and urges.
Your subconscious mind is where your automatic habits, urges, fears, addictions etc. reside. This is the part of your mind that doesn’t think in words, but in pictures, sounds, other senses, and feelings. A hypnotherapist can get to the root of your problems by talking to your subconscious mind.
Say you have a bird phobia. Perhaps one flew near you as a child, and caused you a big fright.
As an adult you know, on a conscious level, that birds pose no real danger. However your subconscious mind still doesn’t know this. It has been programmed from your early experience to trigger an automatic fear response.
You are literally caught in two minds. Your conscious knows they’re safe, but your subconscious doesn’t. Unfortunately there’s only one winner, and that’s your subconscious. That’s because your subconscious is in charge of your automatic fear responses.
That’s why friends and family can talk about why birds are not dangerous until they’re blue in the face. You already know this on a conscious level. It would only be any good if they talked to your subconscious mind.
Hypnotherapy talks to your subconscious
A hypnotherapist can talk to your subconscious mind and tell it that birds are safe. Once this message is understood, both your conscious and subconscious will be united, and the phobia rapidly extinguished. This is often achieved in just one session.
Does hypnosis work?
In a sense where hypnosis controls you, no it doesn’t work. When in a trance you are still fully in control. No one can make you do anything, or reveal your darkest secrets.
However hypnosis helps shape your thinking, and helps you change negative thoughts, habits and urges.
EEG studies on the brain show the mind is different when in trance. Pain responses are significantly reduced when in a hypnotic state. There are many emerging studies in recent times that show a real brain effect when in a hypnotic trance.
I have been a clinical hypnotherapist since 2003 and have witnessed many times the healing powers of hypnotherapy. I’ve helped thousands of people lose weight, quit smoking, gain confidence, lose fears, and much more. It has amazed me at times!
Placebo effect?
Some people argue that positive results from hypnotherapy are down to the placebo effect. They argue that it’s not hypnotherapy that has helped change a habit or behaviour, but the placebo.
In case you’re unaware, the placebo effect is the sugar pill effect. Many studies have shown that if people are given a fake pill to treat an ailment, it often works. The belief in the treatment causes the body to heal itself.
To me this proves that hypnosis works. It shows the amazing healing qualities your mind has over your body. It sometimes needs a way of directing it, and this comes about in your mind. A placebo helps direct your mind to heal you, much in the same way as hypnotherapy direcst your mind to heal.
Final thoughts
There are many hypnotherapists and patients that personally vouch for the effectiveness of hypnotherapy. There are also many emerging studies that show how hypnosis effects the brain. Have a look in the search engines and I’m sure you can find many.
If you’re still wondering “does hypnosis work?”, what better way to find out than to try for yourself? I have a BIG collection of over $250 of hypnotherapy MP3s that I’m giving away for FREE. Just click the link bellow and you’ll be taken there…