Don’t Eat Much But Still Overweight?

Do you eat little, but are still overweight? Here’s why…

Does this sound familiar? You eat less than people round you, yet they are slimmer than you. Why is this?

I have helped thousands people lose weight for well over 10 years and have seen the same few reasons for this. I’ll tell you about them in a moment, but first you must appreciate this…

How EVERYONE puts on weight…

EVERYONE puts on weight by consuming more calories than they burn. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to put on weight if you eat the same calories you burn – the laws of physics don’t allow it.

The weight loss industry doesn’t liDon't Eat Much But Still Overweight?ke weight loss to be this simple. They like to make it complicated so you struggle and need their products.

***All you need to do is eat fewer calories than you burn if you want to lose weight.***

There are different reasons why people eat more calories than they burn. If you discover what causes you to eat too much, you are in a powerful position to do something about it…

You actually DON’T eat a lot

You DON’T have to eat huge amounts to be overweight. This is REALLY common – you slightly, but consistently overeat. This causes the pounds to gradually pile on.

You may put on just one pound a month, which is not noticeable. After a year you are 12 pounds heavier. In 3 years, this becomes 36 pounds.

Because it’s gradual, you don’t notice getting heavier – it creeps up on you.

If this sounds like you, then you need to make some small but permanent changes to your lifestyle. Reduce sugary drinks and snacks. Increase your activity levels, for example go for a walk 2 or 3 times per week. Reduce your intake of cakes, biscuits, bread, and other baked foods. Make small but permanent changes. This could be enough to put you in a calorie deficit, instead of a surplus.

It takes time, but the weight will gradually creep off.

You actually DO eat a lot

Do you eat more than you realise? Some people eat more than they realise or admit. They are in denial about how much they eat. Often these people skip meals and graze instead. This hides how much they are really eating. They think they’re saving calories by skipping meals, but the snacks more than make up for it.

If this sounds like you then you need to learn to be honest with yourself. Write down EVERYTHING you eat and drink. Review this at the end of each day and see where you can cut calories.

There’s no point kidding yourself. You won’t lose weight unless you are honest.

You eat low quality food

Do you know how to cook? If you eat lots of processed and snack foods, then this could be the cause of your weight gain. The problem with these types of foods is that they contains lots of calories, but little nutrition. This leaves your body craving for more food, because it needs more nutrition.

Natural foods such as vegetable, fruits and meat feed you properly. They give your body what it needs, so it doesn’t crave more.

Eat more foods in their natural state. A good rule of thumb is to eat foods which were available 1000 years ago. It helps A LOT if you learn to cook.

Please CLICK HERE To Check out My Sensible Eating Hypnosis MP3

You drink too much

Alcohol and sugary drinks add significant amounts of calories to your diet. Drinking alcohol and sugary drinks daily makes a significant contribution to your weight gain.

Drink more water or soda water, as these contain no calories. It may take you a few days to get used to it, but you will.

Reduce the sugar you add to tea and coffee. 2 teaspoons of sugar in one drink is 10g. If you drink 4 per day, that’s 8 teaspoons, or 40g per day. Over a month it’s a whopping 1200 calories.

Final thoughts

In the majority of cases, people put on weight because they consume more calories than they burn – and they can avoid this.

It’s easy to overeat in modern society. We are constantly bombarded with tempting food that is usually high in calories. We have many labour saving devices which are fantastic, but stop us burning calories.

Gastric Band HypnosisBe honest with yourself and admit that it’s YOUR habits that have made you put on weight. Once you admit this, you are better able to fix things.

No one is forcing you to eat too much. If you want to badly enough, you WILL lose weight. It’s usually small but consistent changes that are needed. Think right now, what habits could you change to help you lose weight?

Need help reducing your eating? Check out my Gastric Band Hypnotherapy pack. It helps you lose weight by convincing your subconscious mind that you have a smaller stomach. This causes you to eat less…

CLICK HERE For More Information About My Gastric Band Hypnotherapy.

Will Hypnosis Help Me?

UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

If you’ve not tried hypnosis, then you might wonder will hypnosis help me? The answer is likely to be – YES!

I’ll show you what hypnosis is capable of in a moment. First I’ll explain how hypnosis works…

How hypnosis works

A hypnotherapist is your friend. They help guide you into a hypnotic trance. This is NOT a battle of wills. They are there to help you. You can drift into trance on your own, but it is easier with the help of a hypnotherapist.

Will Hypnosis Help Me?Worried that you’ll go under some sort of spell? Don’t be. A hypnotic trance is a daydream state, and you’re fully in control. It’s like when you are daydreaming, staring into the distance. This state of mind allows for greater access to your subconscious mind. This is important, and I’ll explain why later.

Once you are helped into a hypnotic trance, a hypnotherapist will give your subconscious mind suggestions to act on. This is something you have pre agreed, like eating less, quitting smoking, being more confident etc. These suggestions usually make an immediate impact. Here’s why…

Your subconscious mind

Your subconscious mind is responsible for all your automatic thoughts, actions and urges. This is great for helping you automate many tasks, such as breathing, heart beat, and even driving and playing musical instruments.

Have you ever driven several miles and realised you could not remember the journey? This is because you slipped into a hypnotic trance. Your powerful subconscious mind was doing the driving.

Your subconscious mind is here to make your life easier. It will do a lot of thinking for you, without conscious intervention. Sometimes your subconscious gets things wrong.

For example you may see your parents react with fear at a small spider when you’re a child. This programs your subconscious mind to believe that spiders are life threatening. In order to protect you, your subconscious mind automatically triggers a fear response whenever you see them.

You may know that the spider is not dangerous – on a conscious level, but that’s not enough. Your subconscious mind ignores this and leaves you shaking with fear.

You must tell your subconscious mind that spider are safe in order to remove a spider phobia. This is why hypnosis is so effective.

Most spider phobics know on a conscious level that spiders are relatively harmless. They can’t help the fear response that is automatically triggered by their subconscious mind. The only way to change this is to reprogram their subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is great for this.

Here’s another example of how your subconscious mind can get things wrong…

Someone who over eats often have issues deep in their subconscious mind where they fear they may starve. This causes them to “fill their boots” whenever food is around. As food is abundant these days, they eat too much. Consciously they know they won’t starve, but not subconsciously. This gives them the urge to eat too much.

A hypnotherapist can talk to their subconscious and reassure it that there is no danger of starving. The result is that someone immediately begins to eat the right amount and will eventually reach a healthy natural weight. (Check out my article Hypnosis For Weight Loss?)

What hypnosis can help you with

Hypnosis can help you with almost any issue in your life. It cannot perform miracles, but it can change your behaviour. Here’s an example.

If you want to lose weight, hypnosis CANNOT make it magically disappear. What it can do is change your habits. It can help you eat less, exercise more, or both. The knock on effect is weight loss.

Here’s a list of some of the things that hypnosis is well known for helping…

Final thoughts

If you have a behaviour or habit that needs changing, hypnosis is likely to help. It will reprogram your subconscious mind to remove old limiting thought patterns. In its place it will install exciting new positive and empowering thought processes.

If you change your thoughts, you can change your life. You only live once, so what are you waiting for?!

Still wondering will hypnosis help me? Why not try it for yourself right now?! Click here for my collection of over $250 of FREE hypnosis sessions.

How To Use Affirmations

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

How To Use Affirmations…

Want to get the best out of yourself? Be more successful? If so, learn how to use affirmations. If you already use them, you must use them correctly – which I’ll show you in a moment…

Many top professionals use positive affirmations to get the best out of themselves. They repeat affirmations such as “I am a winner” in order to psych themselves up.

As you are probably aware, a lot of success is down to mindset. There is no better way to get yourself into a positive and successful thinking mindset than by using positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations can be used everywhere in your life. They can be used at the dawn of a new day, so you start as you mean to go on. They can be used at the start of any activity, such as a presentation or even writing. Imagine saying to yourself 10 times, “I’m a great writer” before you start writing. Wouldn’t this would help get some fire in your belly?

If you consider yourself good at something, then it’s more likely to be the case. That’s why you should always be positive with your children’s ability, but I digress. Positive affirmations help you believe in yourself, which improves your performance.

However you must know how to use affirmations if you are to get the best out of them. Here’s a few tips…

How to use affirmations

How To Use AffirmationsWhilst any positive words you say to yourself help, there are some rules that will help you get the best out of positive affirmations. Here they are…

Always be positive

Never use phrases like “I am not dumb”. Your mind will focus on the word “dumb”, which is not helpful. It’s far better to say “I am intelligent”.

Use emotion

Allow yourself to feel as much emotion as you can. Feel dynamic if you’re saying “I am dynamic”. This helps your subconscious mind better absorb and act on the affirmation.

Use the present tense

Don’t say “I will be successful”. This means it will always be in the future – which never happens. Talk about NOW. “I am successful”.

Short and snappy

Long affirmations are more difficult for your subconscious mind to absorb. Keep them short, simple and snappy. “I am a successful leader and people feel strength from me”, would be better as “I am a strong leader”.


It’s a good idea to repeat your affirmation at least 10 times to drum it in. Do this daily.

Out loud

It’s fine to repeat affirmations in your head, but even better out loud. This helps you become more involved at a deeper level. If you are in a private place and not shy, shout them loud and proud.

Some examples

Now you know the basic principals of How To Use Affirmations. Here’s some examples of affirmations you might want to try…

  • I am the best
  • I am confident and strong
  • I am a money magnet
  • I am a strong leader
  • I take good care of my health
  • I’m in control of my life
  • I enjoy learning new things
  • I live life to the fullest
  • I’m smart and funny
  • I let go of the past and look forward to the future
  • I live in the now
  • I am loved and I love

Want some help? I have a growing collection of subliminal MP3s that give you positive affirmations straight to your subconscious mind. CLICK HERE to view my subliminal mp3s (there is a full FREE session for you to try)

By Jon Rhodes

FREE Millionaire Mindset Subliminal Audio

FREE Millionaire Mindset Subliminal Audio
Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

FREE Millionaire Mindset Subliminal Audio…

Want to be wealthy? Then you MUST change your mindset…

The most important aspect about generating wealth is your mindset. Most people have negative beliefs buried deep within their subconscious minds that prevent them from generating sizeable wealth.

(Click here to check out my hypnotic Money Making Mindset Hypnosis MP3)

These are often beliefs such as…

  • Wealthy people are greedy
  • Wealthy people are selfish
  • Wealthy people don’t care about others
  • Wealthy people are bad people

Millionaire Mindset Subliminal MP3

Do these sound familiar? Many of us are brought up to believe one or more of these. This is because we are not from a wealthy background. However these beliefs are often untrue.

It takes a lot of positive attributes to generate wealth. Sitting back doing nothing does not. People interested in generating wealth are doers that make things happen. The world needs more of these types of people.

Wealthy people are also in a better position to take care of their loved ones, as they have the money and freedom for this.

Without knowing it, negative beliefs could be preventing you from generating wealth. If your subconscious mind does not believe in what you’re doing, it will sabotage your efforts.

It’s time to stop this before it’s too late.

The following session contains hidden positive affirmations that are picked up by your subconscious mind. It will remove old limiting beliefs and reprogram your mind for success.

Try it right now…

You can download FREE Millionaire Mindset Subliminal Audio at the following link. This allows you to listen to it anywhere you wish. No one knows what it contains, so you can listen to it anywhere with full privacy…

CLICK HERE for my FREE Millionaire Mindset Subliminal MP3

Free Subliminal Wallpapers

Free Subliminal Wallpaper
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Free Subliminal Wallpapers…

Want therapy whilst at your PC? I’m giving away free subliminal wallpapers. Put them on your desktop and they contain hidden therapeutic messages that reprogram your mind.

There are loads to choose from, such as weight loss, attract wealth, motivation and many more. They can be found here…

There are full instructions on how to add these pictures to your desktop background.Free Subliminal Wallpapers

The great thing about these is that no one else knows the purpose of these pictures. They look like normal scenic pictures of mountains, rivers, tress etc. However they will help you achieve your goals.

Work on personal development whilst working or playing on your computer.

If you like them, please share with your friends.

CLICK HERE for my collection of therapeutic subliminal MP3 sessions

How To Get Younger Skin

How To Get Younger Skin

How To Get Younger SkinWant to learn how to get younger skin? Here’s some great tips…

Healthy younger skin can make us feel good about ourselves. This can greatly help your self-esteem, which may in turn help a lot of other health complaints such as weight loss and stress.

Regular hypnosis can help smooth the complexion as the muscles in the face relax. If you watch someone going into trance for any type of hypnotherapy, you will notice their faces almost immediately smooth as their muscles relax.

Please CLICK HERE For More About My Hypnotic Botox

Eating a healthy diet of lots of fruit and vegetables will undoubtedly help. Giving up smoking will too.

Reducing your sun exposure will also make a significant difference to the wrinkles in your skin. Don’t avoid the sun altogether as it is a good source of vitamin D. A little sun helps your skin look healthy. Wearing good quality sunglasses can help when in the sun. Squinting due to bright light creates lines around the eyes over time.

Hypnotic Botox will help you get younger looking skin.
CLICK ME To Find Out More!

Another way of helping prevent wrinkles is to lie on your back when in bed. Pressing your face into the pillow for hours every night increases the number of lines in your face. It may take a little time to get use to it, but it is worth it. If you are really struggling then try buying smooth silky pillows instead.

A good diet and drinking plenty of water also helps keep your skin younger. Eat plenty of natural fruits and vegetables – ideally 8-10 portions per day. Be mindful of your hydration levels and sip plenty of water throughout the day.

There are some anti-wrinkle creams available. However they can be expensive. Here is an anti wrinkle formulae that is relatively inexpensive…

Put about 10 fennel seeds in a blender along with 2 or 3 horse chestnut seeds and an avocado. Blend until it forms a smooth cream. Apply twice a day to strengthen the collagen in your skin. Be careful not to ingest the horse chestnut as it is poisonous.

If you want younger smoother skin, check out my powerful hypnotic botox MP3. It guides your subconscious mind to relax the muscles in your face, creating the same effect as a botox procedure…

Please CLICK HERE For More About My Hypnotic Botox

Yoga Movements Explained

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Yoga Movements Explained…

Here are some yoga movements that are great for many aspects of your health. If you experience any pain then stop. If you are in any doubts, contact your GP first.

Do not force these exercises. Move slowly and smoothly – never ‘bounce’ the movements as you are risking an injury.


This is good for the spine.

Lie flat on your stomach. Put your palms on the floor at shoulder level. Lift your head and chest off the floor and straighten your arms. The lower portion of your body, from belly down, should remain on the floor. Now stretch your head back and look up at the ceiling. Hold for a minute, and come down gently.

Yoga Movements ExplainedDhanurasana

This is good for your back muscles and spine.

Lie on your stomach face down. Bend your knees. Reach back with your hands to grab hold of each ankle with each hand. Pull your legs up from behind, and lift your head and torso up. Hold for one minute, and release yourself out of the stretch gently.

This one is good for the spine and hamstrings.

Stand with your feet together. Raise your arms over your head and bend forward from your waist and touch your toes. You can grab hold of your ankles and try to get your forehead to touch your knees as you improve in this exercise. Hold for one minute.


Stretches hamstrings and back muscles and can massages your internal organs

Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend you left leg at the knee so that the sole of the foot rests on the inside thigh of your right leg. Raise your arms and bend forward, and get hold of your toes on your right leg with both your hands. Try and get your face as close as possible to your right knee. Hold for one minute. Repeat on the other side.


Stretches calves, hamstrings and spine and gives abdominal muscles a massage.

Sit up straight with your legs together and stretched out in front of you. Raise your arms up and bend forward and grab hold of your toes. Try to get your face as close to your knees as you can in a slow smooth way without bounching. Don’t allow your knees to lift off the floor. Hold for a minute.


This is good for toning the back muscles and strengthening the spine.

Lie flat on the floor on your stomach with your arms by your sides. Lift your head, torso, arms, and legs off the floor so that you are balancing on the lower part of your stomach. Hold for one minute and release gently. (Great for toning up the back muscles. Strengthens the spine.)

Utthita Trikonasana

Good for improving flexibility and balance.

Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder width apart. Turn the foot of your right leg outward, and the foot of your left leg a little inward. Raise your arms by your sides and hold them parallel to the floor. Bend sideways from the waist to touch your right foot with your right hand, with the left arm stretched toward the ceiling. Hold this position for a minute and repeat on the other side


Improves flexibility of the pelvic region and stretches the inner thighs.

Sit with your legs stretched sideways as far out as possible. Bend forward to try and touch your chin on the floor in front of you, while you grab hold of your toes on either side with your hands. Try to keep your spine as straight as possible, and try not to bend your knees. Hold for one minute and gently release.

Urdhwa Prasaritapadasana

Good for the abdominal muscles

Begin by lying on your back with your arms by your side. Place your hands, palms down, under your lower back. Tense your abs and tightening your leg muscles. Lift both legs off the floor to a height of about 30 degrees. Hold them there for about ten seconds. Now raise your legs to a height of about 60 degrees, and hold for about ten seconds. Now lift up to 90 degrees or straight up. Now reverse the process, coming down to 60 degrees, then 30 degrees, then down on the floor.

Discover your spirituality with my collection of meditation audio MP3s

How To Get Whiter Teeth

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Want to know how to get whiter teeth? Read on…

The internet is packed with ‘advice’ about how to have whiter teeth. PLEASE BE CAREFUL… Much of this advice is to be avoided, as it can cause damage in the long term.

Here’s a quick run through what NOT to do to whiten your teeth…

Rinse the mouth with hydrogen peroxide every day. Please DO NOT do this. Whilst you may see some positive results, Hydrogen peroxide has been found to cause tissue hyperplasias, which are precancerous tissue changes, if used for more than 5 days.

Lemon juice is a natural bleach and whitener, and a very good general purpose stain-remover. However it should NEVER be used on teeth. the high Vitamin C content will strip the teeth of calcium and damage it faster than anything else.How To Get Whiter Teeth

In fact avoid using any acids, even it is from relatively harmless ingredients such as strawberry’s or other fruit. You do not know what quantity of acid you are applying, so it is difficult to calculate a safe level. If you must use these methods, then rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, then brush with a fluoride toothpaste about 20 minutes later, when your enamel has hardened.

Brushing with salt and baking soda is also commonly recommended. You may see some whitening results, but the prolonged ‘scrubbing’ of your teeth will wear down your enamel, causing greater problems than staining. If you do decide to go down this route, then limit its use to once every two weeks.

Here are some effective and safer methods to get those white teeth you dream of…

Avoid, or a least reduce the consumption of coffee, tea, cola, red wine, tobacco – anything that stains.

Try to brush your teeth after every meal – ideally with an electric toothbrush. They can remove 98.2 percent of plaque, which holds stains. Mouth washes with antibacterial action and plaque dissolvers also help in the prevention of stains. Remember to be careful of brushing too hard as it will strip off the surface enamel, exposing the darker dentine, which is more vulnerable to staining.

If brushing your teeth after every meal is impractical, try chewing gum. Chewing gum has two beneficial actions. It helps to clean your teeth by removing debris, and it also stimulates the production of saliva. (Drinking plenty of water also helps improve the function of the salivary glands.)

This is important as saliva has the ability to neutralise acid and remineralise enamel, strengthening your teeth. Less damage to your enamel means fewer discolourations. Gum that contains Sorbitol has a therapeutic anti-bacterial action which helps kill decay-causing bacteria. Even gum with sugar is beneficial as the sugar quickly dissolves making it effectively into a sugar-free gum after a few minutes.

Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after every meal, if brushing or chewing gum is not an option. This is especially important if you consume drinks that stain. Water will wash away and dilute the damage. If you can’t get to a bathroom sink, swill some water around your mouth and swallow.

Eat more crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples carrots, celery, radishes, and peppers. Your teeth will benefit from the gentle rubbing actions that helps to keep the teeth clean, without causing damage.

Teeth Grinding Hypnosis MP3

Teeth grinding can add to micro-cracking in the teeth and can cause the biting edges to darken. Hypnosis can help by reprogramming your subconscious mind to stop this automatic habit. Please click here for more details about Teeth Grinding Hypnosis.

You can also use ‘tooth bleaching’ to whiten the enamel of your teeth. Dentists and tooth whitening kits use a form of hydrogen peroxide. This is far safer than rinsing your mouth out with it yourself. The hydrogen peroxide in the whitening kits is buffered and there are devices in the kits, such as trays and strips, which minimise tissue exposure to the peroxide.

If you have really serious stains, your dentist might suggest you apply a veneer. A Veneer is usually made of porcelain that is attached to the surface of your natural tooth with a type of durable cement. Veneers are custom-made to the shape and colour of your tooth. The application is painless and the veneer should last around 7-10 years.

Bonding is also a process of applying a cover over a discoloured tooth surface. Here a dentist applies a tooth-coloured plastic resin to the tooth that is then bonded and sculpted to the proper shape.

There is also the process of lazer bleaching. A dentist uses a laser along side a whitening gel. The gel is applied to your teeth and a laser is used to activate the crystals to absorb the energy from the light and penetrate the teeth enamel to increase the lightening effect on the teeth. This is one of the most expensive remedies, but usually the quickest.

There are many ways to help you get a brighter whiter smile. Use your head and make sure you are not doing more harm than good. Look after your teeth traditionally, with regular brushing and avoiding sweet, acidic foods, and staining foods. You should also floss every day.

Dental Phobia HypnosisIf you have more serious stains, visit a dentist, or buy products from a reputable dealer. Be very careful when using the common household remedies, such as hydrogen peroxide, acids, baking soda and salt. They could cause you more harm than good in the long term.

Does fear of the dentist prevent you getting the treatment you need? I can reprogram your subconscious to no longer trigger a fear response to the dentist…

Please CLICK HERE for more details of Dental Phobia Hypnosis

What Are Binaural Beats?

What Are Binaural Beats?

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

What are binaural beats?

Binaural beats (also known as brain entrainment) are created when two different tones are played to each individual ear. Your brain detects the difference between these two tones and attempts to reconcile the difference. The effect is the perception of a third tone, which is called the binaural beat.

Yes, your brain “creates” another tone. (You can hear for yourself in the example at the end of the page).

The binaural beat is the difference between the first two tones. If I play a 100hz tone in one ear, and a 107.5hz tone in the other, then a binaural beat of 7.5hz is created. This particular tone is associated with the enhancement of creativity.

Research has shown that when introduced to a binaural beat, your brain follows this beat.

So if you play a 100hz tone in one ear and a 110hz tome in the other, a binaural beat of 10hz is produced. Your brain then follows this beat and drifts into a relaxed 10hz cycle. This guides your brain to its natural alpha state, which is between 7-13hz. This produces a relaxed pre sleep state of mind.

The 10hz tone does not actually exist, but you hear it anyway. This is down to your brain creating it. You can test this my listening to the whole effect with both ears in headphones, then take the left one away, then the right. You won’t hear the binaural beat in either ear in isolation. You will only hear it when both ears are listing to the different tones.

The best way to understand what are binaural beats is to experience them for yourself. Bellow is a free binaural beats session for you to try. Wear headphones whenever you listen to binaural beats audios, or you will miss most of the binaural effect produced when listening to different sounds in each ear.

Still unsure What are binaural beats? Try this free binaural beats session for yourself…

If you would like to know more about binaural beats, and choose from a large selection, please CLICK HERE for my collection of Binaural Beats Downloads

By Jon Rhodes

These Questions Will Help You Lose Weight…

These questions are set up to help your subconscious mind change your habits so you can lose weight permanently. Please answer them honestly as possible…

  1. These Questions Will Help You Lose Weight Like Rosa Did.When did you consider yourself in need of weight loss?
  2. Do you eat as a way to deal with, or avoid problems?
  3. Why do you want to lose weight?
  4. How will your life change as a result?
  5. Have you tried losing weight in the past? What happened?
  6. What are the attitudes of significant others?
  7. Do you really want to lose weight?
  8. How much weight do you want to lose, and over what period? Be realistic!

Eat More Slowly Hypnosis MP3It is a good idea to copy and paste these questions and type up your answers. Whenever you feel yourself craving unhealthy foods or slacking on your exercise program, look at your answers for motivation.

Did you know that most people put on weight gradually over several years because they eat too quickly? Fast eating causes you to eat too much before your stomach registers as full. I can help you…

Click here for details of my Eat More Slowly Hypnosis session