A Rant About Dieting

Globally the diet industry is worth millions. There are thousands of products, classes, books, videos etc. In order to maximise their profits, the diet industry needs their products to fail so that consumers buy more. It’s a strange state of affairs, but if a weight loss product worked, there would be no repeat custom.

Another tactic of the weight loss industry is to create dependency. This might be weight loss classes or services where they delivery your food pre-made. They may help you lose weight, but only for as long as you use their service. Are you really going to spend the rest of your life getting your food delivered?

What people need is something that actually works, offers a permanent change, all without making you dependent on the product or service. That something is hypnosis…

weight loss hypnosisHypnosis offers long lasting permanent change in a relatively short space of time. Rather than relying on products to do the work for you, hypnosis offers permanent change to your eating habits. It does this by programming the subconscious where all your urges and drives come from.

If your sceptical, think of this. Hypnotherapists aren’t exclusively in the weight loss niche. They can afford to treat people permanently because they offer so many different therapies. A person who a hypnotherapist has successfully helped lose weight is likely to return for different therapies.

Losing weight should not mean living a meagre existence, constantly in denial. A few simple but permanent changes in your lifestyle can give great results.

Could hypnosis help you lose weight? Check out my honest article Hypnosis For Weight Loss

Rainbow Meditation

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

This rainbow meditation script can help you discover your true potential and intrinsic worth.

As you gaze at the wondrous colours of the rainbow feel your body becoming lighter. From your head down to your toes, you are as light as a feather. Feel your body take the aura of the rainbow. Every colour radiating from your body.

Little by little, the colour red takes over your whole body. You are now emitting a red glow. Feel yourself giving out strength and energy. You are now full of strength and energy.

Gradually feel the red glow change to orange. Your whole body emitting an orange glow. Feel yourself giving out happiness and joy. You are now full of happiness and joy.

CLICK HERE To Check Out My Soothing Collection Of Nature Sounds

Rainbow MeditationFeel the orange glow transition to yellow. Your whole body emitting a yellow glow. Feel yourself giving out intelligence. You are now full of intelligence.

Little by little, feel the green glow transition to blue. Your whole body emitting a blue glow. Feel yourself giving out peace and tranquillity. You are now full of peace and tranquillity.

Now feel the yellow glow transition to green. Your whole body emitting a green glow. Feel yourself giving out love and friendship. You are now full of love and friendship.

Gradually feel the blue glow transition to indigo. Your whole body emitting an indigo glow. Feel yourself giving out kindness and gentleness. You are now full of kindness and gentleness.

Feel the indigo glow change to violet. Your whole body emitting an violet glow. Feel yourself giving out beauty and self-respect. You are now full of beauty and self-respect.

Now you are the rainbow, your colours shining out everywhere. Feel yourself getting bigger and bigger, your colours shining out further and further until you cover the entire room, now further covering the whole country, and further still the whole world.

As you spread your glorious colours you are spreading out energy, happiness, intelligence, love, peace, kindness and beauty. Spread out even further so your colours are shining throughout the entire universe. You are as big as the entire universe, your colours and positive qualities shining out in every direction and touching every corner of space.

All these amazing colours change into a single beam of bright white light. This white light beaming down the crown chakra at the top of your head and flowing down to your heart. Feel all this white light going into your heart.

For soothing peace of mind, listening to the sounds of nature, such as birds chirping and water flowing is a great way.

I have created a series of 12 one hour audio’s that contain soothing sounds of nature…

CLICK ME To Learn More!

CLICK HERE To Check Out My Soothing Collection Of Nature Sounds

Quick Weight Loss Tips

1 . Set a realistic weight loss target. You do not need to be the next Kate Moss!

2. Eat at set meal times, preferably at a table.

3. Eat slowly and focus on the taste of the food.

Here is a very important one…

4. Eat only when you are genuinely hungry. Be honest with yourself. Stop when you are satisfied. (Check out this weight loss system).

5. Leave something on your plate every meal – even if it is just one pea. This breaks any habits of eating everything on your plate.

6. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Avoid alcohol and sugary drinks.

7. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables – at least your recommended 5 per day.

8. Get more exercise. You don’t have to live in the gym. Try walking shorter journeys you would normally drive. Use stairs instead of the lift. Enjoy relaxing country walks.

9. Enjoy life. Be happy, get out and seek fun experiences. Get new hobbies – this can distract you from overeating.

10. Regularly listen to the Weight Loss, Ego Boost and Relaxation sessions as a way of relaxing, feeling good, and gaining control over your life and habits.

Did you know that most people are overweight because they eat too quickly? What happens is that you eat too quickly for your stomach to register it is full. (It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to know it’s full)

This causes you to slightly overeat every time you have a meal. This is why many people gradually gain weight over years, without hardly noticing it.

I can help you with hypnotherapy…

Click here for more information about Eating Slowly Hypnosis

10 more weight loss tips

Questions To Help You Quit Smoking

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Questions To Help You Quit Smoking…

If you wish to give up smoking then this questionnaire helps. If you answer these questions honestly, they can reveal your subconscious drives to smoke – some which you may not have realised. They can help you understand why you smoke, which can greatly enhance your chances of giving up.

  • Questions To Help You Quit SmokingHow long have you smoked?
  • How old were you when you started?
  • Why did you start?
  • How did your first cigarette feel?
  • What benefits do you get out of smoking?
  • When do you smoke?
  • When do you have your first cigarette of the day?
  • Specifically, why do you want to stop?
  • Have you ever given up before? How did you do it, and for how long?
  • Why did you start again?
  • As a non-smoker, what will you be able to do that you cannot right now?
  • How much do you spend, and what will you do with that money?
  • Apart from you, who will be most pleased you are a non-smoker?

Thank you for reading this article – I hope it has helped you decide to quit smoking once and for all.

If you want some extra help, check out my Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Pack, which gives help before, during, and after quitting…

CLICK ME To Find out More!

Please CLICK HERE To learn More About My Quit Smoking Hypnosis Pack

Why Is Stress On The Rise?

Why Is Stress On The Rise?
Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Why Is Stress On The Rise?

In this modern era, we’ve never had it easier. We have cars to get around, washing machines, microwaves, freezers, health care. Why is stress on the rise?

It’s down to the world we live in – we are not designed to live in it.

In our natural habitat we might get chased by a wild animal and have to run for our lives. This obviously causes stress. However most of this is “burnt off” as we do something about it – run! This life threatening situation is usually over (one way or the other) in a matter of seconds.

CLICK HERE To Enjoy The Sounds Of A Crackling Log Fire, A Babbling Brook, Waterfall, Tropical Rain, And Much More Why Is Stress On The Rise?

Why is stress on the rise?

Imagine you are sat in a traffic jam. You haven’t moved for ten minutes, and you’re late for work. This is obviously a stressful situation. In this situation you may suffer from more stress than when running for your life! Strange but true. Why?

Because there’s nothing you can do about it. The rules of modern life dictate you must sit and wait. You may experience urges to tell people to get out of the way, crash your way through traffic, or get out of the car and walk (or run!). However you can’t. You must repress these feelings. This feeling of helplessness builds into stress.

In a typical day we may experience this type of situation several times. We have to wait in a long queue, hold for a call centre, get out of bed when you’re really tired, work when you don’t feel like it, etc.

(Find out why stress is like a glass of water)

We are designed to worry for our lives. Millions of years of evolution has taught us that it is a dangerous world. We are hard wired to walk out of the door fearing a predator might grab us and chow down on our succulent limbs.

Stress causes a lot of symptoms such as IBS, poor skin, sleeplessness. Stress also increases our tendency to overeat, smoke, etc. Stress makes us snappy and irritable, and can render us less effective at work.

Help is at hand. Hypnotherapy is great for dealing with stress. It effectively turns down your chattering conscious mind, and accesses your more still, calming subconscious mind, giving you a much needed break…

Want a blast of deep relaxation?

CLICK HERE To Check Out My Super Relaxation Hypnosis MP3

How To Make Money Online With Hypnosis Downloads

UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Did you know that every one of you reading this can make real money online selling hypnosis downloads?

This is because of a relatively new industry called “affiliate marketing”.

It can be a lucrative full time career working from home, or a nice sub to your income.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is when you sell a product for someone else and receive a percentage commission. Amazon is the most famous affiliate vendor. If I direct someone to Amazon and they buy something, I get a small percentage commission on the sale.

How does it work?

When you join an affiliate programme you get your own unique affiliate link. If you put this in places on the internet (which I will tell you more about in a minute), you can earn cash. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys a product, tracking software automatically awards you a percentage commission. You then either receive a cheque or have the cash deposited in your Paypal or bank account.

The benefits of affiliate marketing

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you don’t need to pay any cash up front. You don’t need to buy any stock, rent storage space, or sort any physical orders out. You simply direct people to a product and the vendor sorts out all the rest.

Everything is done for you. Someone clicks your link and buys, and your account is automatically debited with your commission. It’s amazingly simple but effective.How To Make Money Online With Hypnosis Downloads

Where to place your affiliate links

If you own a website or blog, then this is an obvious place to add your affiliate links. You can write product reviews and link to a product with a text link. You may instead wish to place an advertising banner on your side bar, which when clicked leads to a product you are affiliated to.

If you don’t have a website or a blog, then that is fine – you can still sell online. There are plenty of opportunities to get your affiliate link out there for people to click and buy from. You can place your affiliate links on Facebook, Twitter, Craig’s List etc. There are lots of opportunities to make money online with affiliate marketing (follow this link for more ideas where to sell affiliate products without a website.)

HypnoBusters Affiliate Program

The HypnoBusters affiliate program is one of the most generous on the internet. You get paid a massive 50% commission for every sale you generate. There are so many different products to choose from that you have a really good chance of making a sale. The great thing is that you get paid a commission on sales, no matter what they buy. You could be recommending one product and they decide to buy another. This doesn’t matter as you still get credited with the sale.

It’s a win-win situation!

If you enjoy the hypnosis audio sessions on this site, then you know how beneficial they can be. Our sister site, HypnoBusters, contains even higher quality audio sessions than on here. By directing people to them you are doing them a favour. They might never have discovered these powerful therapeutic audio sessions without your help. For your reward you get a cash percentage of the sale. They still pay the normal price.

How much can I expect to earn?

This really does depend on how much work you put into it. As with most things in life, the more you put in to it, the more you get out of it. Many of our affiliates earn around $100-$500 dollars per month. They are happy with this as it is a great sub to their income. Some have told me that they save it up all year and it pays for a family holiday. For some it has helped them break free from debt.

Then there are others who have managed to earn a more than adequate full time wage and have quit their jobs to work from home. It all depends on how much time you put into it, and how focussed you are in your strategy. One of my affiliates recently let me know that the HypnoBusters affiliate program has enabled her to quit her job and spend more time looking after her sister.

The beauty of the HypnoBusters affiliate program is that there are no caps to your earnings. The more you sell, the more you earn. We also provide some great materials for you to use to help you sell our products. For instance we have many YouTube videos that shows how good our products are. You can embed these on a website or blog or share them on social networks. This can really help whet peoples appetites to buy. These materials are available in the link bellow.

For more information, please check out our HypnoBusters affiliate page.

How To Live a Happy Life

how to have a happy life
UL Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

How To Live a Happy Life…

Isn’t being happy your ultimate goal? Most of us want more money, a better house, more holidays etc. – but are these things worth it if you’re not happy? Would you rather be miserable with millions in the bank, or happy with a modest amount?

(Please check at end of this article for expert tips on how to be happy)

Most of us are socially conditioned to chase material things, and neglect our happiness. Yes material things CAN help you become a touch happier for a while, but they will not make you happy within yourself. Jim Carey summed this up when he said…

“I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that its not the answer.”

How To Live a Happy LifeHappiness must come from within. It has little to do with your possessions or your status. You CAN learn how to be happy – it’s all in your mind.

Harvard University did a very interesting and informative study, studying people’s lives for 74 years. There is A LOT that can be gleaned from it…

Harvard University

Harvard University recently released the findings of a 74 years study that cost more than 20 million dollars. They closely studied 268 men’s lives from 1938 until 2012. The main aim was to find out what factors contributed to a happy and healthy life. They looked at I.Q.’s, drinking habits, smoking, income, marriage, education…you name it.

This study tells you what does and doesn’t contribute towards how to live a happy. There are many fascinating surprises.

Here is the synopsis…

At a time when many people around the world are living into their tenth decade, the longest longitudinal study of human development ever undertaken offers some welcome news for the new old age: our lives continue to evolve in our later years, and often become more fulfilling than before.

Begun in 1938, the Grant Study of Adult Development charted the physical and emotional health of over 200 men, starting with their undergraduate days. The now-classic Adaptation to Lifereported on the men’s lives up to age 55 and helped us understand adult maturation. Now George Vaillant follows the men into their nineties, documenting for the first time what it is like to flourish far beyond conventional retirement.

How to have a happy lifeReporting on all aspects of male life, including relationships, politics and religion, coping strategies, and alcohol use (its abuse being by far the greatest disruptor of health and happiness for the study’s subjects), Triumphs of Experience shares a number of surprising findings. For example, the people who do well in old age did not necessarily do so well in midlife, and vice versa. While the study confirms that recovery from a lousy childhood is possible, memories of a happy childhood are a lifelong source of strength. Marriages bring much more contentment after age 70, and physical aging after 80 is determined less by heredity than by habits formed prior to age 50. The credit for growing old with grace and vitality, it seems, goes more to ourselves than to our stellar genetic makeup.

For centuries great psychologists such as Freud, Jung and Adler theorised how much of a person’s life is dictated by nature and nurture. This was done more through the intuitive thinking and debate than empirical evidence. Now there is solid evidence. Some well established theories have been upheld, but many have also been disproved.

The study concludes that self development should never end, even in your 90’s. You can teach an old dog new tricks. In fact it is essential that you grow and adapt throughout your life.

It is not always easy to know how best to live. For example does alcohol really hinder your life? Should you give up completely, or can you drink whatever you want? The study found that alcoholism was THE biggest cause of marriage break down. It also showed that it was the cause of neurosis and depression, not the other way around. But without knowing this you might spend a life time abstaining from alcohol, even if you love it, for no reason.

How selfish do you need to be in life? The findings seem to point to relationships being the biggest contribution towards a happy and healthy life. Those that were better at forming relationships far outlived those that weren’t.

Does exercise really make you that much healthier? Or is it that healthier people tend to exercise? Do the things that go right in your life outweigh the things that go wrong? There are so many essential bits of knowledge to be gained from this study. You have one shot at this life, so for I would say that this is essential reading.

More findings from the study, Triumphs Of Experience, are available from Amazon – Click here for more details.


Hypnotherapy can also help you become happier. It can help remove those limiting thoughts and beliefs that hold you back, and replace them with more positive and empowering ones.

I could talk to you for hours about hypnotherapy, but instead, why not try it for yourself?

Here is a full professional quality hypnotherapy session to help your happiness. It is very pleasant and perfectly safe…

Please CLICK HERE For My FREE  Happiness Hypnosis MP3

Now you’ve heard my thoughts on how to live a happy life, here are the thoughts of several experts…

A word from a few friends…

Kac Young – http://www.kacyoung.com/

how to be happy“Get Over Yourself!” I believe is the number one tip to being happy. When we
think of others and put their concerns first, we fulfil our need to share
the gifts we have and who we are. The results we get from an outer focus
brings us unspeakable joy. When we are generous and thoughtful, we are
filled with invisible gifts that last forever. The best salespeople are
those who put the needs of their buyers first. The best agents are those who
are primarily concerned about the welfare and career of their clients.
Putting others first does not mean giving yourself up. It means using our
positive qualities for compassion towards other human beings.


Barry Maher – www.barrymaher.com

Barry MaherStress raises our breathing rate as well as our heart rate. An at-ease,
stress free breathing rate is about 10 to 12 breaths per minute. Nowadays of
course with all the stress in the world, everyone’s breathing rate is
typically significantly higher than that. The good news is that bringing our
breathing rate down also brings down our stress levels and calms our bodies
and our minds. 

Several times a day, maybe before work, at mid day and in the afternoon,
consciously practice taking six-second breaths: three seconds in, three
seconds out, breathing from the diaphragm but normal breaths not deep
breaths. Depending upon your stress level, at first it make take as long as
five minutes of six second breathing to bring your breathing rate down so it
remains at 10 to 12 breaths per minute after you’ve stopped. But with
practice you’ll soon be able to do it in as little as a minute. And calmer
breathing, means a calmer body and a calmer mind.


Cammi Balleck – http://www.cammiballeck.com/

Cammi BalleckMy tip to be happy is to keep yourself biochemically balanced A main reason many people are not as happy as they should be is a lack of nutrients that are VITAL for the normal function of feel good chemicals. Many Americans are nutritionally deficient and this is the CAUSE of many symptoms people have everyday, including low moods and low energy. Nutrient deficiencies put a ton of stress on our bodies, especially the endocrine system. Whole food supplements are great. I recommend that you get a whole food multivitamin and mineral supplement, make sure you are getting selenium, manganese, B2, and B12 from your multivitamin, or add more to what you already take if you are on a multi and still fatigued or moody. It is also important to take iodine supplements and omega 3 supplements (only the omega 3’s, you don’t need omega 6 or 9 supplements). I like to have my patients take extra calcium and magnesium with iodine in it at night before bed, many of my patients call magnesium their happy pill. You should also get
L-Tyrosine and the herbs ashwagandha or withania can help too. L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that helps the body convert neurotransmitters, and it is the stimulus for your brain to tell the endocrine system what to do. Ashwagandha or withania are great adaptogen herbs, meaning they help the body adapt. They are great healing herbs for the adrenals and thyroid and really good in times of stress.


Jaime Pfefferjaimepfeffer.com

jaime pfefferCreate a joy list, containing 5-15 items that bring you joy. These could be
anything from smelling flowers to taking a walk to spending time with the
person you love to getting a massage. Pick one item from your joy list
every day and make an appointment with joy. Schedule it your phone and set
a reminder. Then, make a point to do it! Within a week, the increased
happiness in your life will be evident.


Donna Schuller – http://www.healthyfamilyhappylife.org/

Donna SchullerThe first two things that come to mind as far as being happy goes include:
1) Start the day in prayer and meditation. Make sure you have a quiet
place where you can be undisturbed for 10-15 minutes. You can even do
this before you get out of bed. Practice diaphragmatic breathing as you
reath in good, happy thoughts and breath out the stress of life. This will
jump start a happier attitude. Even if you only have five minutes before
you get on with your day, it’s worth it.

  1. Write a gratitude list and leave it out where you can see it. Include
    things like your family, the flowers or grass in your yard, your freedom,
    and even include material things that you own. Make sure the list is at
    least a couple of pages long. When you start feeling less than happy about
    your circumstances make sure you read the list. It will serve as a
    reminder of all that you have to be thankful for, thus making you feel


Tina B. Tessina, PhD – http://www.tinatessina.com/

Tina B. TessinaI grew up with a fatalistic, depressed mother who said “don’t get too happy
– something bad will happen” It took me a while to learn that that wasn’t
right, and what to think instead. There are three things you can do to
bring more happiness into your life:

1. Gratitude: Remember to notice and be thankful for whatever you have,
what your friends, family and partner do for and give to you.

2. Generosity: Giving to others, especially giving thanks and kindness,
will make you happy, because most others will give back.

3. Ethics: Living your life according to a set of ethics that make sense to
you will make you feel good about yourself, and increase your happiness. 

Looking for the blessings in every day will maximize your awareness of how
lucky you are, and increase the luck that comes your way. I think of it the
same way I think of receiving a gift. If I receive good things by thinking
“It’s about time”, then who would want to give me more? But, if I receive
gifts with gratitude and pleasure, then the giver wants to give me more. I
think life works the same way.


Stephanie Adams-Nicolai 

Stephanie Adams-NicolaiI can speak from experience as well as being the author of over two 
dozen spiritual books:

7 Ways To Be Happy:

1.) Be true to your inner spirit and learn how to intuitively nurture it.
2.) Follow your dreams and do not be afraid to obtain them.
3.) Do something wonderful for yourself daily, even if only for 5-10 minutes.
4.) Develop a hobby you love and stick to it.
5.) Appreciate something simple about nature, no matter how great or small.
6.) Find a career that you truly love and the money will follow.
7.) Love your loved ones with all your heart and embrace the love they 
give back to you.


Jaron Marquis – http://www.jmarquismusic.com/

Always wake up and walk around your house touching everything that you
are grateful for. I do this each morning and often remind myself that I am
very lucky, blessed and fortunate to have the people and things in my life
that matter. Even seemingly small things from getting out of a bed, walking
to the bathroom and turning on water. By doing those simple tasks I have
reminded myself that I am more fortunate that 60% of the world who can’t do
that. Even picking up my cell phone to check emails and messages. I am
truly grateful and blessed, so therefore…happy!


Leo Willcocks 

Leo WillcocksDo a gratitude journal. For 30 days write down five things each day that
you are grateful for. (Do not use the same thing to be grateful for in any
of the days. 30 days x 5 things to be grateful for = 150 things to be
grateful for at the end of the month). As we acknowledge things that we are
grateful for, we find and notice more things to be grateful for.

As we see more things to be grateful for, we see that life is better than
we first thought, and cortisol the stress hormone’s levels go down and we
are happier.


Ken Lambert – http://www.keepsoundminds.org/

Ken-LambertDo at least 1 thing that you truly enjoy each and every day.  It should be something that lasts at least 15 or 20 minutes.  Essentially this habit teaches you to do something enjoyable and do something solely for yourself on a regular, daily basis.  Too many people spend days, weeks, even months of living a life but doing NOTHING that they want to do.  This leads to the opposite of happiness, and often times depression and hopelessness.  Some examples of activities might be:  exercise, reading, playing an instrument, walking in nature, listening to music, etc.


Jane C. Owen, Ph.DMidwestern State University – jane.owen@mwsu.edu

My key to happiness is a sense of purpose in what I am doing, the belief that what I am doing is helpful to others, and the certainty that it has eternal significance. Without a firm spiritual foundation and belief in Jesus Christ, none of the above would be possible for me. A certain amount of self-care is necessary to maintain mental, emotional, and physical health, and I find that spending time with close friends, working outside in my flowers, and reading provides that sustenance. I like to see myself as a conduit through which God’s love can flow to those I touch, and it is up to me to keep the channels open. After thinking about this, “happiness” may be a superficial term for the deeper emotion that we all seek; perhaps “joy” or “contentment” or “fulfillment” would be more accurate.


Samaritans Pursehttp://www.samaritanspurse.org

Samaritans PurseI rather enjoy packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. While it doesn’t cost a lot of money, the little toys I pack in a shoebox not only make me happy (who doesn’t like toys), but remind me to put my problems in perspective. It makes my problems seem so much smaller and “solvable”. The child who receives the box will get an even bigger smile when they see those toys. And many children go on to greater joys still. It all just brings a smile to my face.



Chris Ritherhttp://www.onemeandream.com/

christopher-ritherWe find happiness in the things we love to do, it’s as simple as that. The problem is we get so caught up in what we have to do, that when we do what we love, we often feel guilty. If one wants to pursue happiness they must find a balance between the two. For me I first had to become fully convinced of just what was required of me in my various responsibilities and duties. I then wrote out my responsibilities and confirmed just how much time and effort each required. Then I was able to pursue the things that made me happy without sacrificing my commitment to the rest. 



William Ferullohttp://www.noeasyjourneytothetop.com/

William FerulloOne tip to be happier is to have a journey. Something you are working
towards. It could be something small and easy, or long and hard, anything
that pushes you to get better. Goals are good to have, but the journey is
how you get there, and that’s where the beauty lies, in the journey. Maybe
you are working to improve your diet, health, or want to make a lifestyle
change. Perhaps you are building a business, or improving your fitness.
Whatever it is, working towards SOMETHING will give you purpose, and
undoubtedly make you happier!


David Baker-Hargrove, Ph.D., – http://drdavidbakerhargrove.com/blog

David Baker-HargroveKnow yourself, accept yourself and you will love yourself. We too often get caught up in how we want the world to work and to be in order for our lives to be easy and happy. It’s a fool’s errand that only leads to frustration and tension at best, depression and substance abuse at worst. We do it because it seems easier to focus on/change others than ourselves. Go internal. Get to know who you really are. Make a list of the things you reject or don’t like about yourself and concentrate on finding ways to love them. Your world will be transformed. 



Diane Lang, MAhttp://www.dlcounseling.com

Diane LangI wake up every morning and start my day with a Gratitude check – I say 3-5 
things I’m grateful for
I say 3-5 things that I like about myself
I ask god/universe/source to let me know how I can be of service to the 
planet and to myself
I say my daily affirmations – everyone has different ones but for me it is 
I’ am willing to change and I’m healthy and whole
Then I meditate for about 5-10 minutes or longer depending on my schedule 
just 5 minutes is enough to get the benefits of meditation
Walk or exercise every morning.

You dont have to do all the happiness habits BUT if you can do at least 3 
of them every morning, you will notice a rise in your happiness.


Allen Kleinhttp://www.allenklein.com/

Allen KleinMany of us focus on being grateful for the good things in our life but one of the things we neglect, and one that could make us happier, is to be grateful for the things we don’t like, the things that irritate us, the losses and not-so-great things in our life. Why? Because those are the things that teach us the greatest lessons and have the greatest potential for our spiritual growth. 

Human beings are funny creatures. Often, it is only when we are hit over the head that we learn a lesson. It is why we therefore need to be grateful when these kinds of things happen. And I can almost guarantee that by being grateful for the not-so-great things in our life, we will have a much greater potential for being happier.


Dr. Fran Walfishhttp://www.drfranwalfish.com/


1. Give up trying to control other people, especially your spouse/partner. 

2. Praise every increment in yourself toward independence and moving outward into the world. Cherish your ability to stand on your own.

3. View people as good until they demonstrate otherwise. Most people are good. Those who are not will reveal themselves in time and you can weed out the ones who are not worthy of your friendship.

4. Do not strive for perfection. Be “good enough.”

5. Build self-esteem toward self and others by using words that support and motivate with empathic attunement, rather than criticize.

6. Express your feelings in the moment. Do not allow anger and disappointment to build up inside you. Say what you feel clearly and respectfully. It will free you.

7. Give yourself Special Time. Take 10-15 minutes each day to be with yourself and chill. You’d be surprised how challenging this is when you have a spouse and children tugging at you 24/7. Give yourself short, undivided, positive attention each day for nourish and fortify you.


Jackie Woodsidehttp://jackiewoodside.com/

Jackie WoodsideMost people spend their time, energy and attention talking about and thinking about what they DON’T want. They complain, worry and fret over what might happen or what they think could happen – always in the most tragic and negative ways. Want to be happier? Try this one simple trick: Focus on what you want! Do not allow yourself the luxury and social acceptance of dwelling on what you don’t want, wish didn’t happen or worry will happen. Yes, I said social acceptance. The majority of what people talk about is not the exciting future they imagine or envision to create. It is on the dreary “what if’s” that drain your energy and happiness. Shift your focus. Think about and talk only about what you want and notice how your mood follows the positive, uplifting path.


Juania Owens 

Juania OwensMany people aren’t cognoscente of the fact that happiness already exists
within us. They go searching for their own happiness in other people,
things and situations, yet only gain temporary, fleeting moments of
happiness. I believe happiness exists at our core and knowing how to access
that happiness is key to living a happy, joyous life and bouncing back
positively from adversities.

I would start with learning to love yourself first. This means loving who
you are – every flaw, mistake you’ve made, habit you’ve developed or
physical element you think needs fixing. Loving yourself does not happen
overnight. It takes patient, consistent effort.

When you love yourself, you invite unlimited abundance into your life in
the form of happiness and even more love from yourself and others. People
will flock to you because you will effortlessly radiate that love and
happiness. And therefore, you do not need to go searching for love or
happiness from external sources, rather it will attach and attract itself
to you.

Now you know how to live a happy life. It’s about getting out there and making it happen. You only have one shot – so make it a good ‘un!

Please CLICK HERE For My FREE  Happiness Hypnosis MP3

Some of the Best Inspirational Quotes

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

I find quotes to be thought provoking and inspirational. They can help you look at things in a different way, which helps you learn and grow. Have a look at some of the best inspirational quotes…

“To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others” ~ Nelson Mandela

“Only a life lived for others is worth living” ~ Einstein

“At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable” ~ Christopher Reeve

Best Inspirational QuotesPeople are able because they think they’re able” ~ Virgil

“In the attitude of silence what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

>>Please CLICK HERE For My FREE Positive Affirmation Screensaver<<

“Everything can be taken away from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way” ~ Vicktor Franklin

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind” ~ William James

“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others” ~ Pericles

“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal” ~ Albert Pine

“You must have long-range goals to keep from being frustrated by short-range failure” ~ Charles Nobel

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident” ~ Schopenhauer

“Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them” ~ Einstein

“Genius is the ability to act rightly without precedent – the power to do the right thing the first time” ~ Elbert Hubbard

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change” ~ Carl Rogers

“He who looks outside, dreams; he who looks within, awakens” ~ Carl Jung

“Even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat” ~ Lilly Tomlin

“Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world” ~ Schopenhauer

“One definition of insanity is to keep doing what you did before, and expect different results”

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” ~ Socrates

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

“It is impossible for anyone to learn that which he thinks he already knows” ~ Plutarch

“A man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are the portals of discovery” ~ James Joyce

“To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight . . . and never stop fighting” ~ E. E. Cummings

“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow”

“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self” ~ Aristotle

“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent” ~ Calvin Coolidge

“It is preoccupation with possession, more than anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly” ~ Bertrand Russell

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up” ~ Babe Ruth

“We think we do so much for the poor, but it is they who make us rich” ~ Mother Teresa

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves” ~ Carl Jung

“All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume” ~ Noam Chomsky

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

I hope you enjoyed some of the best inspirational quotes available. Be inspired with the beauty and intelligence of dolphins, as if you were really there…

CLICK HERE for details of my Swimming With Dolphins Hypnosis MP3

Helping Insomnia And Sleep Problems

Have sleep problems?

There are generally two types of insomnia. Where you struggle to get to sleep, and where you get to sleep, but cannot maintain it. Which effects you?

You must decide whether you really have insomnia. In a study by Stepanski et al (1988) he discovered that a large amount of people who complained of insomnia were sleeping more than they realised, and getting an adequate amount of sleep.

Helping Insomnia And Sleep ProblemsSee if you can get a partner or friends to monitor how much sleep you really get. Trust their results – you may be surprised! It may be that you need to improve your diet and do more exercise in order to have more energy during the day.

Psychological issues such as stress and anxiety are commonly linked to insomnia. That’s why my Relaxation Hypnosis MP3 is an excellent aid to sleep. This session gives you the option to stay asleep once the session is over, giving a huge help drifting off to sleep. Breathing exercises and meditation also help.

You can also help insomnia yourself by avoiding stimulants such as tea, coffee and alcohol in the evening. Avoid late night studying or watching complicated TV or films, as this may over-stimulate your mind. Light reading and easy viewing is fine, and may help you drift off to sleep. Avoid napping during the day, as this extra rest may prevent you from being tired later.

(Recent studies have shown that CBD oil is excellent for helping people sleep. CLICK HERE to learn more about CBD oil.

If possible, stick to regular times to go to bed and wake up. This gets your mind and body into a loop where you know when to sleep.

For some it helps to go to bed later than usual, when you feel tired. Once in bed, don’t worry about going to sleep. Assure yourself that the rest you are getting lying in bed is as beneficial as sleeping. This helps remove anxiety associated with worrying about not sleeping.

If you need more help with sleep problems, drift into a peaceful relaxing sleep right now with my Super Sleep hypnosis audio

How To Improve Your Vision Naturally

How to improve your eyesight naturally
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

How To Improve Your Vision Naturally…

Want better eyesight? Here I will show you how to improve your vision naturally with these simple but powerful exercises.

Opticians will never show you these as they like to charge you for vision aids. It’s a sad state of affairs, but that’s business for you.

Your eyes grow lazy and more dependant when wearing glasses or contacts. They deteriorate as your muscles get weaker, until the optician can sell you stronger pairs of overpriced glasses. Your eyes gradually get worse, and they get repeat sales.

(Rewire your brain-ear connection and improve your hearing)

How To Improve Your Vision NaturallyOpticians do not help prevent eye sight deterioration, let alone help eye sight improvement. They have no incentive to.

I will show you how to improve your vision naturally and beat the optician.

First, be aware of these things that could be harming your vision…

The three common faults of vision are:

1. Not using peripheral vision

2. Staring without focussing

3. Not moving your eyes enough.

All these occur whilst watching TV or a computer screen. TV viewing should be restricted to an hour a day, especially for children. You should be at least 3 meters away from the screen, preferably further. It is helpful to sit with good posture as this will help the blood flow around your body and to your eyes.

If you work on computers all day then it is going to be more difficult for you to limit your viewing. Instead you should look away from the computer as much as possible – at least once every half an hour.

Quick exercise…

Look at something about 6 meters away for about 10 seconds. Really focus on it. Let your eyes do some work. This will help strengthen the muscles. Then look at something about 3 meters away for about 10 seconds, and again really focus on it.

Repeat this with a few different objects at different distances every half an hour. This keeps your eye muscles strong. If you manage to keep this up, you will massively reduce the deterioration of your eyes.

As with most things in the human body – use it or lose it. The same goes for your eyes. When they are staring into space or at a 2D screen, they are not doing much work. You must exercise them to keep them healthy.

Here are some eye exercises…

Pencil Exercise

Hold a pencil arms length in front of you. Focus on the tip of that pencil. Once you have it focussed, slowly move it towards you whilst still maintaining the focus. See how close you can get it before losing focus.


Focus on a distant object, swaying gently from side to side. Do this for a few minutes every day, blinking as you sway. The blinking helps clean and lubricate your eyes, which is important if you spend a lot of time in front of a computer.


Japanese studies show this exercise can significantly improve your eyesight if done regularly. Place a picture on a clothesline. Stand about a foot away from it and focus on the picture whilst it is moving. Move back a foot and repeat. Continue with this until you are about 10 feet away.

Candle Exercise

Eye sight is not just about your eyes. It is also about the eye brain relationship. Your brain must interpret what the eyes pick up. This exercise aims to improve your brain/eye connection.

Put your self in a quiet, dark place and look at a lighted candle. Focus your attention at the blue part of the flame and blink gently. After a minute or two try to imagine the lighted flame with your eyes closed.

If the visualization is not perfect, again look at the blue part of the flame and try to imagine the same without making any effort. When you are able to visualize the flame in your imagination open your eyes.

Colour Day

Choose a colour and look out for it throughout the day wherever you go. When you see the particular colour, be aware of it. Don’t bother with the shape of the object, just experience the colour and it’s subtle shadings. This also helps your eye/brain connection.


Try to do this daily. It may be difficult if you live somewhere like the UK! Close your eyes. Look directly at the sun through your closed eyes. While facing the sun, slowly rotate your head from side to side as far as you can.  This gets the sunlight in your peripheral vision, and it helps bring more blood circulation to your neck. Do this for a few minutes. Enjoy the warming soothing feeling of the sun on your eyes.

Eye Massage

This exercise helps improve the blood circulation to your eye muscles.

With the index fingers of both hands apply LIGHT pressure on your upper eyebrow and move in a circular motion whilst your eyes are closed. Do these as often as you can – several times a day if you can manage it. After finishing this, gently make a circular movement on your eyes to relax them and improve vision.

Now You Know How To Improve Your Vision Naturally!

About me, Jon Rhodes


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By Jon Rhodes