A recent study was reported on the CNN website that not exercising is worse than smoking, diabetes, and heart disease – https://edition.cnn.com/2018/10/19/health/study-not-exercising-worse-than-smoking/index.html
We have all known for a long time the positive benefits of exercise. However we probably didn’t realise how important! Many people think that because they don’t smoke, they don’t need to exercise. This study shows how wrong this thinking is.
This study went on to say that you can, at any age and any gender, significantly benefit from exercise – it’s never too late.
Why do so many people not exercise?
It’s because we are hard-wired to avoid exercise. I’ll put this a different way…
Our caveman ancestors had to work hard for food. Food was far more scarce than it is now. In order to survive we not only had to find food, we also had to conserve energy.
Not getting enough exercise has never been a concern to humans until the last hundred years or so. We never needed to exercise. So we have no natural inbuilt desire to exercise. We only have a in built desire for action when it benefits us – like hunting for food. Once we have found food, we relax.
Most people these days are surrounded by more than enough food to meet their needs. They have no psychological need for action.
Hypnotherapy can change this. A hypnotherapist can re-programme your subconscious mind to want to exercise.
Your subconscious mind is probably unaware of the benefits of exercise. In it’s default setting your subconscious mind sees exercise as a waste of energy.
However a hypnotherapist can communicate with your subconscious mind and tell it the wonderful benefits of exercise. This drastically increases your urge to exercise.
WANTING to exercise will get you up on those cold mornings for a run. Get you out your cosy home and head to the gym.
If you want help changing your mindset so you want to exercise, check out my Exercise Motivation Hypnosis MP3…
Please CLICK HERE For Details Of My Exercise Motivation Hypnosis MP3