Free Releasing Negative Thoughts Meditation MP3

Free Releasing Negative Thoughts Meditation MP3…

UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

My guided meditation is designed to release all negative thoughts from your mind. This is particularly useful after a stressful day at work or with the family which may have left you in poor spirits.

You will feel your negativity seep away, allowing you to retain a warm nature and positive outlook.

Negative thoughts can build over over days, weeks, months and even years. They slowly drag you down and stress you out. Meditation is great for releasing negative thoughts.

If you find this audio useful, please show your appreciation by visiting my meditation shop for a more specific session.

To download this free releasing negative thoughts meditation right click the link below and “save as…” to your computer. Left click to stream…

Download Free Releasing Negative Thoughts Meditation

Do you have thoughts that keep recurring in your head that you’d like to stop? I can help your subconscious mind stop triggering these unwanted thoughts…

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